Israeli Warships in Suez Canal


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Israeli Warships in Suez Canal a Signal to Iran?
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Israeli warships reportedly sailed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday, ten days after a submarine believed to be nuclear-armed made the crossing.

The deployment into the Red Sea, confirmed by Israeli officials to The Times of London, came ahead of long-range exercises by the Israeli air force with the U.S. later this month and the test of a missile defense shield at a U.S. missile range in the Pacific.

Israel has strengthened ties with Arab nations who also fear a nuclear-armed Iran. In particular, relations with Egypt have grown increasingly strong this year over the “shared mutual distrust of Iran”, according to one Israeli diplomat.

"This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran. These maneuvers are a message to Iran that Israel will follow up on its threats," the Times of London quoted an Israeli defense official as saying.

If Israel were to launch an attack on Iran, Israeli naval vessels would likely pass through the Suez Canal, the official said.

It is believed that Israel’s missile-equipped submarines, and its fleet of advanced aircraft, could be used to strike in excess of a dozen nuclear-related targets more than 800 miles from Israel.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit told The Times that his government explicitly allowed passage of Israeli vessels, and an Israeli admiral said the drills were "run regularly with the full co-operation of the Egyptians."

Two Israeli Saar class missile boats and a Dolphin class submarine have passed through Suez. Israel has six Dolphin-class submarines, three of which may carry nuclear missiles.

Click for more on this story from the Times of London.
Bit of a stretch, eh. If Israel is going to use WMDs against Iran, it'll use ballistic missiles and airplanes to do so. If it's putting it's boat and sub crews through training exercises, it'll have to take it to the the Indian Ocean to do so...which is through the Suez Canal.
*pssst.* those missiles on the subs? thems are usually ballistic.

Yup...and they don't need to be in the Indian Ocean to reach their targets either... not that I think that Israel would use nuclear weapons against Iran. I doubt that they're THAT stupid.
Not a question of stupid in my opinion. Israel holds the big hammer in the region and everyone knows it. If Israel decides to bomb the shit outta something in Iran, noone's going to lift a finger openly and risk getting it chopped off while the axe is out. If anything, that sub in the open is like the US and russian subs under the arctic ice .... counter-strike capability. It won't be used in the initial attacks (if any). It'll be held in reserve against anyone who tries to interfere.

But unless there's something more than what's on the table, any attack Israel makes initially will be conventional. They know as well as anyone, nukes are best used as a threat. Contrary to common belief, the average nuke won't destroy a nation. Devastate an average city, render the area uninhabitable ... yeah. Wipe out all opposition? Not by a long shot. Tactical conventional weapons serve far better. Take out a power station, a dam, a port .... now the enemy has a population scared, in the dark, cold, hungry, thirsty .... on the defensive. But so long as that population is ALIVE, they're going to want to stay that way. National and religious pride gets mighty thin when you're still alive and in no immediate danger. When you think you might be next ..... That's when you become dangerous.

A cute little site that gives you a rough idea of blast radii. Pick your least favorite city, ballpark your weapon and say goodbye.
unless they just shit some bombs on um and leave, there's gonna need be a lot more than that.

It could be in some kind of concert with the rebels and hamas in iran too though.
Carter did have a talk with hamas.
It's all just relative to the scale of your map.


"After" and "Before" pictures of Supernova 1987A
Not a question of stupid in my opinion. Israel holds the big hammer in the region and everyone knows it. If Israel decides to bomb the shit outta something in Iran, noone's going to lift a finger openly and risk getting it chopped off while the axe is out.

Pakistan and India are in that area and hold the same hammer, not that I think that India would nuke Israel in retaliation, but Pakistan OTOH. Some pretty whacky people in power over there, eh.

If Israel decides to use nuclear weapons instead of conventional weapons against Iran..even if it's a 'surgical strike', they risk losing a lot of allies...even quasi-allies. If you're willing to use nuclear weapons against civilians in order to stop another country from potentially doing the're no better than they are. Several middle-eastern countries who are using Israel to keep Iran in check (and calling it a truce) will withdraw their support and may even switch alliances.

I'm not even sure that the USA could continue supporting Israel if such a thing happened, nor most if not all of the UN Member Nations.

Like I said - a pretty stupid thing to do.