it takes faith to be ignorant

Equating irrational nutbar beliefs with
rational logical sane thinking
does nothing to further mankind.

Claiming to being ready to defend someone’s
supposed right to be insane is silly.
ITT: Metrosexual affirmations.

Equating irrational nutbar beliefs with
rational logical sane thinking
does nothing to further mankind.

Claiming to being ready to defend someone’s
supposed right to be insane is silly.
No, I don't believe so. I have friends who have their various faiths and they should be allowed to believe and worship as they wish as long as it does not interfere with anyone else.
interfere? a friend telling you their experiences is sometimes irritating, but is it interfering?
Interference: The act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding.

There's a difference between being annoying and interfering. Friends who become annoying by telling me about their personal relationship with Jesus I just tell them I'm not interested. If they continue I avoid them. There's nothing that requires me to be this annoying person's friend. If we all go out to lunch and that person want to pray over their meal they can do that but don't tell me to hold off on eating until the "blessing" is done. That's interfering, even if it is just mildly interfering.
There's a difference between being annoying and interfering. Friends who become annoying by telling me about their personal relationship with Jesus I just tell them I'm not interested. If they continue I avoid them. There's nothing that requires me to be this annoying person's friend.
Thats close to what I do when someone begins talking about AGW or not eating animals.
Gamers, especially online gamers, can be worse than bible thumpers. I work with 2 guys who plays WOW all the time.

I don't care if someone doesn't want to eat animals. That's their choice. I don't force them to put BBQ in their mouth and they shouldn't rip it out of mine. If we weren't meant to eat animals then why do they taste so good? Case closed.