it was worth it (I keep telling myself)


Well-Known Member
man, my foot hurts like a sonuvabitch ... my breasts are itchy as all hell ... have a mad bruise on my upper left thigh ... and my favorite pair of plaid shorts are shredded ...

but I think I'd still do it all again to ride that lip all the way in to shore ...

I need some drugs ... VICODIN! STAT!

*feeling a sick day coming on tomorrow* :D
kuulani said:
I don't think you know how to take a sick day :p

yeahhuh, I do ... I'm sure I do ... you just .. call in .. and say ... "I'm sick" ... and then .. you umm... stay home? Yeah .. you .. umm.. stay .. home ...*gagging at merely saying the words* ... yeah .. you don't get up ... and you stay ... hoooommmeeee.....
*quickly thinking of more ailments* ..

and .. umm.. I have a slight sunburn ... yeah .. right here .. on my shoulders ... *making little painful noises* ...
*I wonder if her tits are still itchy.*

dang .. i completely forgot about this thread ... :D

and actually, I'm wearing a style of bra today that I don't normally wear and it's making the sides of my breasts a little itchy LOL .. the lace the rubbing against it weird ... seems you've got perfect timing ;)