It's 10 past 6


molṑn labé
Staff member the evening. As I watch a yellow, FWCS district school bus unload three children from their extracurricular activities at the school across the street form my house, & not so fondly recall the meeting recently where our local school district asked for nearly a billion dollar bond, then settling for half-a billion (until we forget about these raised taxes), it makes me wonder...

Since when are we spending hard earned & overburdened taxpayers money to transport jocks or band members or chess club geeks after practice? Going to a game, I can see. On a day to day basis, what happened to, providing your own ride?

Did anyone else have publicallly funded transportation for their activities?
Ummmmmmmmno. Now, at the school the kids are in, there is some transportation for some extra activities, be it either rides from volunteer teachers or paid for with the School Council's (PTA) funds. Never with public funds. I do seem to recall from high school a "late bus" which would drive to a few of the villages out of town and the parents would meet the kidlets there, though. So not all the way home, but closer. I guess the purpose for that would be to let the out of towners take advantage of after school extracurricular stuff, the library, after school teacher help, and make it so they couldn't get out of detention with the 'gotta catch the bus' excuse.
There's no school buses period at many of the schools around here. You either drive your kids to/from school or they can take the city Metro buses. the evening. As I watch a yellow, FWCS district school bus unload three children from their extracurricular activities at the school across the street form my house, & not so fondly recall the meeting recently where our local school district asked for nearly a billion dollar bond, then settling for half-a billion (until we forget about these raised taxes), it makes me wonder...

Since when are we spending hard earned & overburdened taxpayers money to transport jocks or band members or chess club geeks after practice? Going to a game, I can see. On a day to day basis, what happened to, providing your own ride?

Did anyone else have publicallly funded transportation for their activities?

We always had it. They don't have it here though. When Arren was still in school (here and Tucson) we had to provide transportation to and from extra-curricular activities. I can see both sides of the argument. If my folks had been responsible for transportation I wouldn't have been able to participate.
There's no school buses period at many of the schools around here. You either drive your kids to/from school or they can take the city Metro buses.

That was one of the best things about LA.

We always had it. They don't have it here though. When Arren was still in school (here and Tucson) we had to provide transportation to and from extra-curricular activities. I can see both sides of the argument. If my folks had been responsible for transportation I wouldn't have been able to participate. wanted to participate-get there on your own. Now, otoh, most of us lived with a few blocks of our schools. Not like when you were a kid & had to travel dirt roads to the one room schoolhouse (except harverst time-of course)
Nope...we never had anything of the sort. When I took the school bus and did extracurriculars I usually took the city bus home...sometimes if the timing was right my dad would pick me up on his way home from work and after I started dating brainsoft I would go to his house and get picked up later in the evening...I'd use the "I'm gonna miss the school bus ANYWAY" excuse the night before when convincing my mom to drive and pick me up after dinner :D
Over here such activities are completely separate from the school, so it's get your own ride or sucks to be you.

I can see both sides of the argument. If my folks had been responsible for transportation I wouldn't have been able to participate.

I always did want to join the marching band. Or play soccer. :crying7:
Over here, we had to get ourselves to practices, etc. Away games, school buses (and because of the union contract, school bus drivers that wanted overtime had first dibs, which prevented the band and sports teams from using charter buses for multiple-hour trips... a four-hour school bus ride sucks, no two ways about it). Also, for marching band, since the football stadium was across town, we had to change into our band uniforms at the high school, then ride buses across town to the stadium for football games.