...in the evening. As I watch a yellow, FWCS district school bus unload three children from their extracurricular activities at the school across the street form my house, & not so fondly recall the meeting recently where our local school district asked for nearly a billion dollar bond, then settling for half-a billion (until we forget about these raised taxes), it makes me wonder...
Since when are we spending hard earned & overburdened taxpayers money to transport jocks or band members or chess club geeks after practice? Going to a game, I can see. On a day to day basis, what happened to, providing your own ride?
Did anyone else have publicallly funded transportation for their activities?
Since when are we spending hard earned & overburdened taxpayers money to transport jocks or band members or chess club geeks after practice? Going to a game, I can see. On a day to day basis, what happened to, providing your own ride?
Did anyone else have publicallly funded transportation for their activities?