it's 6pm ...


Well-Known Member
and I haven't made plans for dinner yet .. *sigh*

I hate cooking dinner .. I mean, dang .. I just fed my kids dinner last night .. :rolleyes:
I know what you mean, demanding little shits, aren't they. Today they come to me and say, "Dad, we need money for lunch tickets" I say, Didn't I just give you money two weeks ago, they're all like, well yeah, for two weeks worth. Damn kids, you think they could eat every other day or something.

kids eat everything, and they don't eat in small quantities
:rofl: @ nan & pt

*thanking the gods that I qualified for WIC which just saved me $115 this month for formula*
Good thing, too Ku'u. I remember those days with fondness...except for the changing of diapers part. I am a firm believer in cloth diapers, but they do get grungy after a while... :eek:
Nothing wrong with changing diapers. My ex, though, breast-fed the girls, so my sleep was uninterrupted. :)
Gato_Solo said:
Nothing wrong with changing diapers. My ex, though, breast-fed the girls, so my sleep was uninterrupted. :)

Damn. I had to let her be a stay-at-home Mom as well before I got out of the duty...