It's all about Muslims


Southern Discomfort

Professors at the Sunni Muslim world's most influential university, Al-Azhar in Cairo, say an Egyptian filmmaker cannot make a film about the life of Jesus Christ because it's against the rules to produce any depictions of any prophet, according to Middle East Online.

Abdel Mooti Bayumi, an Al-Azhar professor, said the institution has made its position very clear. "Al-Azhar rejects the depiction of Jesus in a film because Christ is not only the prophet of the Christians but also present in Islam," he said.

But the film's producers are scratching their heads, wondering what gives anyone at Al-Azhar the right to say anything about the film.

"Al-Azhar does not have the right to intervene in something which concerns the Christians, otherwise it would have to tear down the icons of Christ and the Virgin Mary from churches," said scriptwriter Fayez Ghali. "Christian dogma does not prohibit the depiction of Christ, so what gives Al-Azhar the right to intervene?


When y'all get this sorted out, call me. I'll be at the Roost.
who cares?

wasn't idolatry and graven images and all that kinda shit a christian obsession for a while?

just because they're hundreds of years behind us dudn't mean we should make fun of them.


sure we should...

especially when it comes to islamic gender ideology.
Their country...they make the rules. :shrug: As long as they don't export their culture violently into the rest of the world, I have no problem with them... :brush:
Gato_Solo said:
Their country...they make the rules. :shrug: As long as they don't export their culture violently into the rest of the world, I have no problem with them... :brush:
Well, I still have a problem with them (more than one actually) but as you say, their country.
Nah they don't

Lettuce stop and ponder fer a sec just whut these
supposed 'beliefs' are:

Wimen's a chattel

Hey that ain't such a bad idea

Slavery is OK

Hmmm Bringing that back wouldn't be such a bad idea?

Omnipotent rulers with the power to execute citizens at will is the way to rule a country

Daumn I'm thinkin' more and more that them thar peoples gots the right idea 'bout thangs ain't you?
Aw shucks I fergot the female circumcision thing

whut’s good fer the gander’s good fer the goose, Right?

Dang I’m gonna convert I like the kill yer daughter\wife if
she lets another guy plook er’ Right now c’mon guys
think hard them boi’s gots the right ideas thar don’t they?

Hell eye left out the wimen’s can’t drive go to school er go out
without permission or male escort thing crap they are right
about how to run a country ain’t they?
The original post doesn't make sense. Why would the ubiversity have to tear down icons from churches?

Gato_Solo said:
Their country...they make the rules. :shrug: As long as they don't export their culture violently into the rest of the world, I have no problem with them... :brush:
Yes, only the US should be allowed to do that right?