It's all coming off


New Member
That's right, after almost 5 years (4 years and 10 months to be exact), the braces are coming off! My appointment is September 19 at 9am. I can't wait!

Anyone have braces before? Any pointers on debonding day?
The ortho's I've been to (2) won't let braces stay on for more than 3 yrs.

Debonding day... buy and eat all your favotrite foods that you couldn't eat with braces on! Be prepared to look sexy while rubbing your teeth with your tongue!

heheh son had braces, not me.
That's just wrong. A thread title like that about braces? Wrong.
Professur said:
Make sure your jaw still works. The missus's jaw still pops to this day.
No popping as far as I know. I noticed it shifts a little when I close my mouth really quickly, but I don't think it qualifies as popping.

Spirit said:
buy and eat all your favotrite foods that you couldn't eat with braces on!
My dinner menu that night is all the corn on the cob I can eat since I don't have to cut it off anymore, raw carrots and ranch dressing, and a caramel apple for dessert.
yay, getting braces off!
i got mine off when i was 12.
i recall my teeth hurting initially, like, "wtf freedom??" but i'm not sure if i remember right. and it might take a few follow up visits before you get all the glue ground off.
Gonz said:
Tha's about where I was heading.
mine has. I can tell ya about dentures, if ya need to know :(

My teeth are doing pretty good! Dip my man in flouride for Steak and a BJ night :)
I get mine off right before college... (1 yr)... I have to through senior year with these bad boys... Oh, wonderful.
Sawhney89 said:
I get mine off right before college... (1 yr)... I have to through senior year with these bad boys... Oh, wonderful.

I got mine on my freshman year of high school. When I get them off, I'll be a month into my sophomore year at college.
I don't mean to spoil the party, but please avoid eating everything you couldn't eat when you had braces for at least a few months. The braces are holding tight your teeth right now, when you get them removed, the teeth won't be as strong as they normally are until time has passed.
My jaw pops and I don't have and never had braces. It's called TMJ and it's a great topic for a conversation. Things like that are meant to be treasured.
Altron said:
My jaw pops and I don't have and never had braces. It's called TMJ and it's a great topic for a conversation. Things like that are meant to be treasured.
So what fixes that? Jaw surgery? Braces?
It ain't broken to the point where it needs to be fixed.

It can get really severe and painful, or so I've heard, but I have a very mild case. Pretty much the extent of it is that I have somewhat limited chewing endurance (I don't really care much for gum because of it), only really noticeable with gum or beef jerky, and my jaw pops whenever I open my mouth.

I don't think it's related, but my mom pointed out to me that I can't swallow large amounts of liquid. If I drink a mouthful of water, it takes probably 10 swallows to get it all down.

While we're on the subject of weird medical issues, I have glasses and poor eyesight but I can see well without them, I just have trouble focusing.

People may find it disgusting, but I find it amusing - I unwilling regurgitate food. Mostly veggies and cold dairy products, but other stuff has come back up. The doctor says that there's a flap at the top of my stomach that doesn't work right, but isn't really a problem. It means I can eat a bowl of ice cream and enjoy it over the course of an hour.

I am right handed, but I form my letters the way a leftie does, which made learning cursive in elementary school a complete bitch. Apparantly, normal people start their letters from the top of the paper and go down, I start them at the bottom and go up. The english language wasn't designed to be written from the bottom up. n, m, p, and several other letters and numbers are difficult for me to write. Note how when you write them, you start at the top, go down, and go back up, making the first line a double line. Try doing it starting from the bottom. It doesn't work.


Now, from when I began writing in elementary school, until a few months ago, I thought that I was just weird. Then somebody saw me writing and pointed out that I write like a lefty.