New Member
I'm graduated now! Pictures:
PT said:
Now get a fucking job!
FluerVanderloo said:haha I've got one. I help people get skin cancer!
Gonz said:Tell your friend in the last large pic to wash his face. He has some dirt on his upper lip.
Inkara1 said:Bachelor, or bachelor's degree?
Inkara1 said:Bachelor, or bachelor's degree?
Nixy said:
I agree with Gonz
Main Entry: 1bach·e·lor
Pronunciation: 'bach-l&r, 'ba-ch&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bacheler, from Old French
1 : a young knight who follows the banner of another
2 : a person who has received what is usually the lowest degree conferred by a four-year college, university, or professional school <bachelor of arts>
3 a : an unmarried man b : a male animal (as a fur seal) without a mate during breeding time
Gonz said:Properly chosen, either should do.