It's been brought home


molṑn labé
Staff member
Even in the US, the Jews get killed by Muslims.

SEATTLE – One person is dead and five others have been injured in a shooting at the Jewish Federation at 2031 Third Ave. in downtown Seattle. One suspect has been taken into custody.

Seattle police spokesman Rich Pruitt said police are confident that only one shooter was involved.

Sources told KING 5 the suspect is a 31-year-old Pakistani man with a criminal background. He is from the Pasco but his citizenship status or how long he has lived in the United States is unknown. Also unknown is what sort of criminal record he has. Officials are on the way to the Pasco to interview his family.

Gonz, stuff like this has been happening in NYC (and probably other cities as well) for years. Decades even. Not just Muslims either. Lot of folk hate them Jews. It's interesting though that it's become news. It wasn't always.
Seattle is supposed to be home of the tolerant left. Arabs killing Jews...who'd of thunk it? Arabs killing Jews in Seattle. Bet there's no public outcry.
Gonz said:
Seattle is supposed to be home of the tolerant left. Arabs killing Jews...who'd of thunk it? Arabs killing Jews in Seattle. Bet there's no public outcry.
I don't doubt your right. There would be if the Jewish folk had seen him coming and defended themselves though. :lloyd:
Yep. Lots of it too.

*still can't fugure out what's wrong with Jews*
Gonz said:
Yep. Lots of it too.

*still can't fugure out what's wrong with Jews*
1. They killed the christians imaginary friend. (That was about as insulting as I could make it, huh?)
2. The middle eastern thing has been going on since before they were Jews. It's a race war that's been going on since before recorded history.
Gonz said:
*still can't fugure out what's wrong with Jews*

Me neither!

Actually there are a few theories on that.

1. we live among you, but are different, and you can't tell us apart.

2. Historically we are the perfect scapegoats:

Medieval times, due to constraints imposed by the church one christian could not lend money to another, and charge interest. In comes the Jews, as money-lenders, the nobility, when it came time to pay, found it easier to start saying how we drink christian blood, and kill us.

Many christian churchs believed we killed christ, and the hatred from then continues (though, according to the bible, he HAD to die, hence it was destiny).

Having been part of the banking world since the aforementioned money-lender times, all things financial can be blamed on us, even though the jew in question might have only been a tailor.

We where a people without a nation, never quite fitting in, some refusing to fit in, always an invader, refusing to be assimilated.

And we consider ourselves to be a culture not just a religion.

Also years and years of lies, the protocols of zion etc. it is the scapegoat thing mainly.

We control the ZOG (zionist occupational government) who in turn inflames the black man to kill the white man.

The arabs hate us because we occupied the same land as them, and refused to assimilate, and then zionism was born, the belief in the jewish homeland. Muslim doctrine has some extreme things to say about the jews, the christians are just misguided, but the jews are evil.

To look at me, I don't have a beard, I don't wear long black coats, I don't even where a yarmulke outside of temple, I am the white supremacists worst fear. I can insidiously turn their daughters into race traitors, I control the government, keeping them under control.

And according to farrakhan I controlled the slave trade.

I have encountered people who have thought this way, and some that hated jews just on general principle, with no reason at all.

But MOST people have no problem with me at all. (at least on the basis of my religion)
chcr said:
Gonz, stuff like this has been happening in NYC (and probably other cities as well) for years. Decades even. Not just Muslims either. Lot of folk hate them Jews. It's interesting though that it's become news. It wasn't always.

There sure is plenty of violence against Muslims in the US. But that wouldn't support the preconcieved ideas and generalizations we're going for here.
spike said:
There sure is plenty of violence against Muslims in the US. But that wouldn't support the preconcieved ideas and generalizations we're going for here.

Violence agaisnt muslims gets as much press as violence against jews (more even) up here, so I fail to see your point.

More to the point the actual article says pakistani man, does not mention his religion. That was an assumption on the behalf of the poster.
paul_valaru said:
Violence agaisnt muslims gets as much press as violence against jews (more even) up here, so I fail to see your point.

More to the point the actual article says pakistani man, does not mention his religion. That was an assumption on the behalf of the poster.

My point was simply that there's violence against Jews, Muslims, and other people also in the US. The original post was a little selective.
killin' fer any reason is alright by me

quite yer whining and get out there and kill someone

jeebus ya sound like a buncha old maids sheesh
spike said:
There sure is plenty of violence against Muslims in the US. But that wouldn't support the preconcieved ideas and generalizations we're going for here.
The violence against Muslims is significantly more recent. No more justified, but more recent. The simple fact is that the Jews have been persecuted for a millenium and a half because the leader of a rival, johnny-come-lately church said they killed it's icon. Violence against Jews in the US has a long, colorful history and has been traditionally ignored similarly to the way violence against blacks has.

OTOH, as I may have mentioned before, the conflict currently heating up in the mid-east predates even judaism. I suspect it goes back to stone age tribal conflicts. Still not justified (IMO, of course) but understandable. It helps to gain perspective if you understand the subject. Most people aren't interested in perspective though, just in whining.

According to the Seattle Times, a man got through security at the Jewish Federation and told staff members, "I'm a Muslim American; I'm angry at Israel," then began shooting. Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske said the shooting will be treated as a homicide and a hate crime.

Gonz said:
*still can't fugure out what's wrong with Jews*

I think it's the same thing that's wrong with the American population. ;)
paul_valaru said:
1. we live among you, but are different, and you can't tell us apart.

Different? Green blood? Age backwards? Find peace among fire & brimstone? HOw, outside of an ideology, are Jews different?

paul_valaru said:
does not mention his religion.

You think that's an accident? I can guaran-damn-tee you if he had been a Paki Christian, they'd have mentioned it.
Gonz said:
Different? Green blood? Age backwards? Find peace among fire & brimstone? HOw, outside of an ideology, are Jews different?

to some people we are diffrent, I don't see it.
tonksy said:
They have cute words for things - Did you know I am a shikse?
Yiddish dictionary
Why yes, yes I did. I frequently walk into work of a morning and say, "Good morning goyem and shikses." I enter through the truck shop. They all think I'm strange.
Point to ponder...

Can you say "fucking nutjob?" I knew that you could.

Yet Haq was frustrated at his lack of friends and female companionship.He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity.
