It's Biden ...

Then why is Obama trying to squash this story if it is so weak?

It looks like the first casualty of an Obama administration will be free speech.

OMG. Looks like the first casualty of a McCain adminsitration will be free speech!

Why do you think they're trying to squash this story?

Nominee's ally moves to curb probe of Palin
By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Sep 5, 2008 | Updated: 9:36 p.m. ET Sep 5, 2008

Key Alaska allies of John McCain are trying to derail a politically charged investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner in order to prevent a so-called "October surprise" that would produce embarrassing information about the vice presidential candidate on the eve of the election.

In a move endorsed by the McCain campaign Friday, John Coghill, the GOP chairman of the state House Rules Committee, wrote a letter seeking a meeting of Alaska's bipartisan Legislative Council in order to remove the Democratic state senator in charge of the so-called "troopergate" investigation.
Possibly because it's a non-story??

"Palin says staff's calls were not pressure"

Well of course she does :rolleyes:

Do you really believe the diversions about her, or are you just talking out your ass because you know Obama's done?

Oh no, you were all over the diversions about Obama talking out your ass weren't you?

I think you're just getting a little miffed because you know Palin's done.
Oh no, you were all over the diversions about Obama talking out your ass weren't you?

I think you're just getting a little miffed because you know Palin's done.

The Obama drama doesn't even compare to what the left is trying to do to Palin.

However, I hear the Larry Sinclair/David Young/Obama relationship is becoming a clear and present danger to his campaign. :brow:

Palin will be your next Vice President.
6, 7, 10 right wing radio show personalities, mostly aired during work hours vs 90% of the TV, newsprint & magazines.

I'd say Obaman is getting off lightly.
I don't much care one way or another-
"You know why vasectomies cost so much? - Cos they're worth it!"
But I have seen a big split of opinion on this Palin woman- It seems to break by age in my family- Grandma thinks Palin is God's Gift, Ma is lukewarm, and my sister hates her guts and wants her de-ported back to Alaska!
Now. Let me tell you what I believe on what I just posted before Spike comes on board and I have to agree with him instead of him agreeing with me.

It was a simple gaff for which the MSM will forgive him and ignore it. I know that he was speaking about how McCain has not brought up the accusations floating around that he is a Muslim. But here is the rub:

Everyone says what an eloquent and well spoken speaker he is; and his speeches are such a delight. He cannot, however, speak off-the-cuff for shit. If he does not have a teleprompter in front of him he can't speak worth a tinker's damn.

Can you imagine him in a closed meeting with the likes of Ahmadinejad (sp?) and coming off with something idiotic? The man simply is not well spoken and he is prone to gaffs of which there are so many I won't deign to list them here.
I'm sure the MSM will give Obama a pass on this gaff too. "Oh, he was just tired and fatigued from campaigning when he said that."

Now if only they'd give him as many pases as they've given McCain.

Everyone says what an eloquent and well spoken speaker he is; and his speeches are such a delight. He cannot, however, speak off-the-cuff for shit. If he does not have a teleprompter in front of him he can't speak worth a tinker's damn.

Can you imagine him in a closed meeting with the likes of Ahmadinejad (sp?) and coming off with something idiotic? The man simply is not well spoken and he is prone to gaffs of which there are so many I won't deign to list them here.

In reality he does a great job off-the-cuff, in interviews, and at unscripted speaking whereas McCain makes constant mistakes and gaffs.
My sister says- doesn't matter who wins in November, we will still be better off with Cheney out of office, provided he doesn't get us in a (real, like NUCULAR) war 'tween now and then. He's over in the other Georgia- pokin a stick at the Rooskies right now. Way to go, DICK! Knock down that hornets nest, boy! That's what we pay ya for!
Maybe when he said "my Muslim faith" it was a Freudian slip. :shrug:

I'm sure the MSM will give Obama a pass on this gaff too. "Oh, he was just tired and fatigued from campaigning when he said that."

'If Barack Hussein Obama wins the U.S presidential election, Muslims will view it as a victory and forget that he converted from Islam to Christianity' - that's the view of Israeli analyst Menashe Amir. In fact one leading Iranian personality recently said: 'If Obama enters the White House, Islam will have conquered the heart of American society'. However, President Ahmadinejad expressed concern that the U.S. establishment would not allow the Democratic frontrunner to win the presidential election.
That must explain why Obama agreed to no more than the minimum of 3 debates before the election.

You know, I notice your link says "The John McCain and Barack Obama campaigns just announced they have agreed to a series of debates -- one of them a "town hall" -- already scheduled through the Commission on Presidential Debates. The news here seems to be that the two campaigns agreed to what the commission already has planned.".

You seem to be blaming this agreement on Obama.
In reality he does a great job off-the-cuff, in interviews, and at unscripted speaking whereas McCain makes constant mistakes and gaffs.

Rush took one of his off-the-cuff interviews and edited everything out except for all of the "ah"s, "um"s, etc and the result of that was an audio which ran 7 1/2 minutes.