its freakin snowing here!!!

The forecast says it's snowing here...I've been to afraid to look out the window yet to see if it is for sure and/or how much
samcurry said:
weve already got over an inch and expecting more. I so hate this....:mad:
How unfortunate for you. :p

It was 35 here thes morning but at least it's not snowing. :la:
Its sn..... oh wait ,thats pollen from all the blossoms ,that explains why my damn allergies are acting up.
81 on Tuesday, snow on Saturday. ANother fine example of global warming.

It could always be worse
up to 1 foot expected in eastern Michigan and northern Ohio by Sunday night, according to the National Weather Service.
We've got a small ammount of rain while it was sunny, that means that today the temp will go beyond 40ºC
I just walked outside. :(

It's a grey horrible miserable day with freezing temperature misty drizzle. Spring sucks sometimes. At least snow is pretty.
Wow. No snow here in MO, but the tornado warnings are starting up pretty good. Was high 70's all last week, 50 on saturday, supposed to be 60-70 all week now.
it's been cold here and absolutely beautiful but no snow. it's been terrible to look out the window and see green grass, not a cloud in the sky, and know that it's only like 38 degrees outside.
Just chilly here, I don't think we saw the freezing mark. However, I called my Mom yesterday, 2 hours north and 3,000 feet higher, and she had 1/4 inch on the ground.
HomeLAN said:
Just chilly here, I don't think we saw the freezing mark. However, I called my Mom yesterday, 2 hours north and 3,000 feet higher, and she had 1/4 inch on the ground.
it got to 34. i was monitoring it due to tender plants.
it is better today here. I just went out with a tank top, a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and a light jacket and it was a lovely crisp walk. Still grey and crappy, but warmer, and ice wasn't attacking me.
damn now its sunny and 65, damn that ozone layer..... I blame prof for all this, him and his canned air. :p
It's been snowing on and off here for a few days. I am waiting for the big blizzard May. We had a blizzard a few weeks ago but it melted away the following day. That's Colorado for you. I have a feeling that when we get hit with a lot of snow this weekend and next week is when I will go into labor. Driving to the hospital in a blizzard...not so much.