It's getting real dicey out there

Here is an article that explains state nullification of federal law. It defines nullification and interposition as they pertain to the states on federal laws.

Say what?
The supreme Court is the final authority on what is constitutional and what is not; and The States and The People must submit to whatever the supreme Court says; and

The only thing that made that claim was the Supreme Court (Marbury vs Madison).

The SCotUS is not our King
so you are confident it won't be deemed a weapon of war and its mere possession a federal crime?
no it's gonna be a baby killing machine for sure. if they come around i will hide it in my butt.
they won't 'come round'
I wouldn't blame you for ignoring all the silliness coming out of the regime as of late
they are at the phase of just passing laws, they will just tel you, you have to register it
they aren't to the point of rounding people up for the cattle cars yet.

Did ya ever stop and wonder how the German people could have gone along with the Nazi's?

we are well on our way, when the time comes you'll gladly turn them all in
or else be shot down in the street like a dawg
i think it would be relatively easy for you to understand how someone could go along with the nazis.
more like i was offering them to you for your imaginary pedo-rape scenes with cartoon german girls.

was ongoing counseling part of your parole?
yeah not feminine enough. i'd surely be worried that people would think i was a fag if i showed up with her.