It's just gone too damn far!


Is it not bad enough that every moron and his cousin has to have a large gas guzzling road hogging SUV? Never mind none of these idiots will ever engage the 4wd to do any off roading, what and scratch their paint? Now there's an easier softer way! Even I am sickened.... *puke*
Come to think of it, another one of my pet peeves is, why on earth, does anyone buy a new pristine pickup truck, then buy a trailer to tow behind it to haul stuff with? There are masses of these idiots around here! Is there something wrong with using the bed of a truck for what it was made for? Perhaps get a bed liner to protect the bed, but for god's sake the bed was made to haul stuff in! Most of the ones I see doing this are the big 4 seater king cab models. Why the fuck not get a Caddilac escalade and pull a trailer behind it? Seems more stylish to me anyway. Why does one need a full sized truck so as to use it as a passenger car and haul their shit in some trailer?!?

The worst one I have seen yet is this guy pulls up at the auto parts store in this behemouth 4wd king cab bright red 2007 Dodge Ram Cummins diesel, and he's got one of those covers on the bed, and the inevitable trailer on the back with his stuff, and I swear to god you could have prepared food on his hubcaps the truck was so immaculate....All chromed out and shining like mirrors. Anyway this Jackass pulls up straddling two parking spaces (a regular one and the handicapped slot), and rolls right up on the curb onto the sidewalk, and saunters in to the place like king shit. The trailer is bocking traffic through the parking lot and I swear I almost busted a gut when the owner put him in his place and asked him to park it elsewhere. My only regret is there was no cop there to ticket the jackass.
Is it not bad enough that every moron and his cousin has to have a large gas guzzling road hogging SUV? Never mind none of these idiots will ever engage the 4wd to do any off roading, what and scratch their paint? Now there's an easier softer way! Even I am sickened.... *puke*

Ford Escape/Mercury Mariner hybrid... gives the look, feeling and room of an SUV that buyers are looking for but softens the environmental impact. I would think it's a step in the right direction.
Why? Because we can. Ain't America grand?

One of the funniest things I've seen is the sales reports for hybrids. The Toyota Prius oursells the Honda Civic ( I think it was) about 10-1. The Honda actually gets better overall marks but Toyota sells more.


Nameplate. YOu can look at at Prius & say "oh look, someone who cares about the environment, are't they special". On the Honda it says Civic.

Hybrids are silly. Buy an Expedition.
i don't see what the big deal is. if everyone wants an suv, i'd rather them have one like that.

except the random jerks i know who like suv's BECAUSE they're so annoying and bad for the environment. those people i want to break in the kneecaps of :)

Paul Shanklin said:
As the snow flies
At a used car lot on the edge of town
A liberal guy & a liberal gal buy a Yugo

And they drive with pride
'Cause if there's one thing that this world needs
It's environmental friends who will take the lead
In a Yugo

They say: People don't you understand
Those Suburbans are ruining the land
But they'll wish they had a full-sized van one day

They point fingers at you & me
Say we're too blind to see
But do we simply use our heads
And choose another way?

As those small wheels turn
Fifty miles to the gallon
And their knees on their chest
They're gonna save enough gas for all the rest
In a Yugo

Then one day on the interstate
They suddenly lose control
Swerved to miss a baby duck
Squashed by an SUV--now they're out of luck
But they drove with pride

And as the crowds drive past the little flat car
They know they saved a lot of gas but they didn't get far
In a Yugo

As they're trapped inside
At a used car lot on the edge of town
A liberal guy and a liberal gal buy a Yugo
And they drive with pride
And for those of us who own SUVs AND engage the 4X4 AND take it offroad?

Bullshit and you know it! I have no problem with a person who gets an SUV in order to use it for what it was meant to be used for. It's idiots who have to have one just because it's the thing to do.
For that matter I owned a 69 Bronco for a while (predecessor of the SUV), one of the few Fords I've ever owned that was worth a shit, and for a while a Chevy Blazer and also a Subrau 4x4 and I used them all for off roading.
Bullshit and you know it! I have no problem with a person who gets an SUV in order to use it for what it was meant to be used for. It's idiots who have to have one just because it's the thing to do.

What, precisely, is bullshit? My claim to own one and take it offroad?
No it's bullshit that the first post indicates that I think any and all SUVs are a bad idea. When tonksy said that she'd think that it's different if you actually use the thing for what it's for. The whole premise of my entire argument is that I think it's ridiculous that everyone just has to have an SUV or a truck and then use ths thing for nothing but an everyday passenger car.
What about a person like me who requires a tow vehicle with serious capacity ...but only occasionally? Am I supposed to have a daily driver ... and a separate tow vehicle?'s different if you actually use the thing for what it's for....

Using it for what it was made for is the key in my mind (even if it's only occasional). It's people who have huge trucks and SUVs for the sole purpose of keeping up with the Jones's that piss me off, how many times and different ways do I have to say the same damn thing before the point is made?

And as far as the hybrid SUV it just seems to me that it's ridiculous because I know the kind of people who buy hybrids, I live in a city called Port Townsend and it's FULL of the liberal hippie types that belong to the Sierra club and shit and I know that almost none of them have any valid reason to need an SUV, but the fact that there will be a hybrid model will probably entice such people to buy one. I swear to god the first time I see one of them around here I am gonna ask the owner what the hell the point is.

I can't tell you how many Prius's there are around here (one of the ugliest cars I've ever laid eyes on), but it's a LOT.

To give you an idea of what kind of town this is the most common cars you'll see here are Volvos and Subarus, and lately any kind of hybrid especially the Prius.

And yet, you stay there. Scary.

But then, you do make your own point. Many, if not most of the SUVs today aren't intended for offroad use anymore. They are city vehicles. IFS was just the tip of the iceberg. Now you've got DOT approved tires that look like mud crawlers, but are made for highway use. You've got 15 cup holders, and built in child seats. P275/25ZR24 tires and 24" chrome wheels. They may look like they belong on the rocks, but they'd be only slightly more useful than a Sedan Deville.
The odd thing about the PT area is that we have a town full of liberals so liberal they even sicken me, and in the outlying area, conservative that make Gonz look like a rank ametuer. It's quite an odd place but there's a certain undeniable magic here. Anyone from here will tell you this and many who've visited. The natural beauty of the Olympic Peninsula is breathtaking, and there is a lot of wondeful widerness here too. I've a friend with a Jeep that we go out on logging roads fifty miles into the middle of nowhere just for fun. Some of those roads haven't been traveled or maintained at all in many many years. As for cell phone reception fuggetaboutit! Get stuck out there and you are up shit creek without the proverbial paddle. We are perhaps 50 miles from Seattle and on a good clear day there is a lookout point on one of the mountains that you can actually see Seattle from, certainly not much detail but you can see it all the same. Highway 101 (in California it's known as the Pacific Coast Highway) is one of the best rides I've ever taken on a motorcycle. I was born in Tacoma, lived in Seattle then been here on and off ever since. I wouldn't ever leave Washington permanently. Perhaps a hiatus, but this is truly "God's country" in my mind.
I feel pretty much the same way about here. The Laurentian mountains are heaven brought to earth for me.