It's just gone too damn far!

In a Yugo

C'mon Mark, get with the program, Prius owners are proud to support the reduction of greenhouse gases & they want to prove it doncha know.

The best way they could reduce carbon emissions is to stop breathing.
"That isn't Smog--it's Smug."

Part 2:

"The perfect storm of self-satisfaction."

Yeah I know the standard conservative line that we can't hurt the environment so there is no reason to have any environmental controls at all, especially if they get in the way of profits.

It's clear that the republican party is "God fearing" but too bad the deity they worship is the almighty dollar, nothing much matters beyond that does it?

This album cover just about sums it up:


I think hybrids are ugly, and to me a hybrid SUV is just ridiculously silly, and I think there are better alternatives, but what I do know is that the republican attitude of "fuck everything in the name of profits we can't hurt the environment anyway", is just another of many lies they tell you. Keep drinkin that koolaid guys....Don't think follow!....I know you will.

Ever try to haul a few dozen 2X4's and a half dozen sheets of plywood in a Prius. I'll proudly drive my Dodge 4X4 thank you.
It's clear that the republican party is "God fearing" but too bad the deity they worship is the almighty dollar, nothing much matters beyond that does it?

Sweeping generalizations do not bolster an argument. My Republican ass does not worship a dollar any more than your liberal one worships starving AIDS babies in Pago Pago.
Lower taxes.
Less government.
Personal responsibility.
Harass Rosie O'Donnell.

I don't see Worship the Almight Dollar anywhere on my Right Wing Wacko faq sheet.
yep. had things been different, the north would have a post-industrial economy as it pretty much does today, and the south would still be a bunch of dirt farmers. all the bright folk in the south would apply for educational and work visas. and the dumber ones would be jumping the fence to come and work as domestic help and produce pickers. but at least they'd have their dignity!
yep. had things been different, the north would have a post-industrial economy as it pretty much does today, and the south would still be a bunch of dirt farmers. all the bright folk in the south would apply for educational and work visas. and the dumber ones would be jumping the fence to come and work as domestic help and produce pickers. but at least they'd have their dignity!


I demand cheap gas! It's one of my rights as a citizen! Well, that and free health care! And legalized drugs! Hell yeah! America owes me!

And what about the people in Iraq?

Actually, I could add a whole list of countries to that, but who would care?