It's Official!


New Member
I suck..............:(

Just did this little IQ test thing High IQ Society and performed dismally.

Got a paltry 120 in the first test (Ultimate IQ test) Your score is: 120

What does your score mean?

70-84 Well below the population average.

85-99 Below the population average, but in the normal range.

100 The population average.

101-115 Above the population average, but in the normal range.

116-125 Significantly above average.

A score of 126 or above qualifies you to become a member of the International High IQ Society.

127-140 Gifted.

141-159 Highly gifted.

160+ Profoundly gifted.

180+ Universal genius.

Factors that may have adversely affected your score include lack of sleep and/or physical, mental, or emotional distractions.


Got 142 on the Verbal IQ Test (not too bad considering they said it was based on US English - not really sure what that has to do with anything, but I'll take any excuse I can get).

Your score is: 142

What does your score mean?

70-84 Well below the population average.

85-99 Below the population average, but in the normal range.

100 The population average.

101-115 Above the population average, but in the normal range.

116-125 Significantly above average.

A score of 126 or above qualifies you to become a member of the International High IQ Society.

127-140 Gifted.

141-159 Highly gifted.

160+ Profoundly gifted.

180+ Universal genius.

Factors that may have adversely affected your score include lack of sleep and/or physical, mental, or emotional distractions.


Haven't done the others yet as I'm getting too depressed ;)
I'm moving to the Netherlands.....seems I'm smarter in Dutch :D

Gefeliciteerd! Uw IQ equivalent ligt tussen de 140 en 150!

De exacte score zal worden berekend aan de hand van wegingsfactoren m.b.t uw antwoorden en de benodigde tijd.

Wij bieden u hierbij de mogelijkheid tot het bestellen van uw eigen IQ-test certificaat en een persoonlijk testrapport!

Laat iedereen zien hoe intelligent u bent
Ideaal voor C.V. building
Voorbereiding op sollicitatie of assessment
U kunt hier klikken voor een voorbeeld certificaat en hier voor de eerste pagina's van een testrapport.
Voor het ontvangen van uw persoonlijke IQ-test certificaat en rapport dient u € 9,90 over te maken op onderstaande bankrekening onder vermelding van het volgende nummer: IQC_127281 .

Na ontvangst van de betaling wordt uw certificaat en persoonlijk rapport direct naar u toegestuurd!

Fortis Bank 001-3945043-32 te Antwerpen

ABN AMRO: te Alkmaar
Postbank: 9513616

Kamer van Koophandelnummer: 37104795 te Alkmaar.

Voor meer informatie verwijzen wij u hier naar toe.
Luis - do the Dutch one.....I think it may be easier to compensate for the off chance that you may be completely stoned while taking the test :D
Did the test, but it just got stuck at the page right before giving my results, apparently the site won't work with Mozilla :grumpy:
between 120-140...this is making me suicidal allright.

i hate those math thingies...just can't do them.