Well now that I have been KK'd I see that my work is done here. Gonz, finally "perceived", quite wrongly I might add, a threat" from me, when it was nothing of the sort at all. But his refusal to even look at that possibility, tells me that he is in fact "beyond, any chance of understanding", what I was really saying to him. I have said MUCH worse things to you Gonz, and I have taken
your continued "veiled threats" and constant bending of your own AUP for years, and said nothing. Now is the time to speak up, ONE LAST TIME, and when I say I say this for your own good Gonz, please believe I mean it with all possible sincerity.
Take a GOOD look at who you are in a suitable mirror. (ie, exactly what I was trying to be for you when you told me I was about to get run over by a freight train). Obviously since my political views are more open minded than yours, but, DO NOT mistake that for us being more different than alike, as that is NOT the case.
One last thing.....when my, admittedly sardonic and sarcastic humor angers you so badly you KK me when you KNOW damn well it is just "teasing", in my own jackass sarcastic way, that you've known so well for so many years, you MUST, be getting a bit uncomfortable and I must have hit too close to home for your comfort.
So, maybe someday I will come back and see if I am out of the KK, but until then, since it is only Gonz personal bias that put me here (3 angry PMS in rapid succession all saying the SAME thing) I will gracefully bow out from this board entirely, as I was about to go on hiatus a while anyway. So you might as well just ban me or un-KK me, because either way you wont see me in a while anyway.
So seriously I was teasing and joking and I was snyde and sarcastic, and I will own that any day, but you, and cerise, and SnP, and any conservative on the board does far worse on a daily basisi, it's just that you took it personal this time, which tells me you really do need to look at this and I DO mean that to help. If you cannot see that from my posts in your upgrade thread, I guess I am just not interested in being on this board with people like you anyway. So, until you make a decision and "grow up", well I'll just be waiting to see my status when and if I even deice to come back at all.
To the rest of you it's been "real", and "fun", and "real fun", and not always any of the three but best wishes to you all at helping Gonz with his struggle....Til we meet again....All my best!