It's on

If ya see the grim reaper
spit in his eye for me and say its from Winky
cuz I know I'm gonna have to go with him long before ye.
(although I'm an atheist)
Everyone say a prayer for the Rebel!

"Yer in our thoughts"

Wake up and post for Gawd's sake!'s AllEars. Mike (SNP) pulled through the surgery after giving everyone a big scare. He is in ICU. They say he is looking at at least 10 days in the hospital. A lot depends on Mike, he is fighter so we keep praying he continues to improve. They were not able to do everything they set out to do, it was to dangerous.

Please keep Mike in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you all for your concern.
They are hopeful that what they were able to do will help. Only time will tell.

The kid and I are hangin in there. Thanks for asking.
I'll keep him in my thoughts and hope for the best :hug: :hug: (one for you and one for him)