It's only a matter of time & useage


molṑn labé
Staff member
Users of the Mozilla and Firefox browsers and the Thunderbird e-mail client may be vulnerable to flaws that could allow an attacker to spy on or take over a system, according to security researchers.

Obviously every program in existance is vulnerable to a certain extent. The only way to eliminate vulnerability is to eliminate communication and that doesn't work very well for a browser now does it. Mozilla is still far and away the most efficiant and powerful browser on the market. If it wasn't i wouldn't use it.
[size=-1] These bugs are all fixed in Firefox 1.0 and newer, as well as Thunderbird 0.9 and newer.

so this only applies to people running outdated software, i can guarantee that older versions of *zilla are more secure than their respective MS counterparts.
Nobody has, as far as i know, claimed that Firefox/Thunderbird is bug-free. Bugs are found, bugs are fixed, and all is well.

At least Mozilla(and open source in general) publish their bugs, ensuring that they are fixed quickly, which is more than you can say about closed-source software.

By the way, why write an article about a bug that's been fixed?
Do I deal with the occasional security issue with Firefox or take the monthly multiple issues with IE?
PostCode said:
Do I deal with the occasional security issue with Firefox or take the monthly multiple issues with IE?
Oooh... A real poser, that. :D