it's only natural ...

I said it once and i iwll say it again.... the jared diet.

you can't go wrong...delicious subways everyday...and you can lose 200 pounds???? Amazing!!!
Professur said:
But, you wash down every meal with mineral oil.

*brings back bad memories*

Mineral oil isn't that bad actually. It's tasteless and odorless and if you can get past the consistancy of it, it's not so bad. I used to mix it with milk. They say you're not supposed to continue drinking it for a prolonged length of time though, that it might do some damage.
from LastLegionary
try that diet for one month and then make a statement. I have personal experience from it. And um, not all herbivores have multiple stomachs. And, not all herbivores weigh 150 pounds. Some weigh 2,000 pounds. It is not vegetarian propeganda. Please don't dismiss it before trying it or at least reading the book. There are other books out there but this one I can vouch for personally.

Why? I don't really need a diet. Especially one without approximately 5 ounces of animal protein per day. :p

Not all Carnivores have short intestines, either. I dismiss it simply because what you stated as fact is propaganda.

BTW...I know not all herbivores have multiple stomachs. I used that reference like you used your intestine 'tripe'. :D
LastLegionary said:
When you eat meat... how long does it stay in your body? When you take a crap, does it smell? Guess what, if you don't eat meat it doesn't smell. Plant based stuff don't rot, don't produce toxic waste (those that it produces is excreted almost immediately), and don't smell.

I was changing my baby's diaper this weekend and remembered you saying this ... and I have to tell you, the little angel eats only milk and poi (taro), and boy did that smell linger :p

stay away from processed foods (ie: canned, anything in cellophane package) plenty of fruits and veggies, moderate amounts of lean meat. you need 8-10 glasses of h2o per day. it is essential for breaking down fats and carbs into usable glucose. (carbs, fats and glucose are all essentially the same thing, just different size molecules.) if you want to start burning up fat stores, you need lots of h2o to help break the fat down into usable forms of energy.
oh yeah...exercise. it raises the metabolism and adds muscle.