Um, if you'd gone with my choice of tires, you'd have still had traction. And more people have died from 'a tad too much' than 'massive excess'.
But, again, fishtailing a FWD car isn't a matter of speed or traction. In fact, it's not even a fishtail at all. You can't fishtail a FWD. Ever go to pull away from a stopsign and the front end has skittled to the side because some tit has polished the ice right there? That's the FWD fishtail. A fishtail is when the driving wheels of a RWD car travel faster than the front, unpowered wheels. What happened to you was a SKID. Caused not so much by your speed, but because you were braking through a turn. BIG, BIG NO NO. Any time you see brake lights on in the middle of a turn, you're looking at a future suicide. You brake before the turn. Maintain an even speed through, and accelerate (if warranted) from the apex of the curve. IF YOU HAVE YOUR BRAKES ON IN THE MIDDLE OF A TURN, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!!!
Why? Because of several factors. But most importantly ... any and every car is brake biased towards the front. As much as 70% of your braking power comes from the front wheels. Not because the front brakes are stronger, but because of weight transfer. When you brake, the weight of the car shifts forward (center of gravity, all that jazz). In fact, the rear end lifts. That's why it's pointless to add more weight back there. It's not gonna hold anything down.
Sorry for the lecture, but you really should already know this. At least 50% of motorcycle deaths are because they didn't understand braking.
So, it's not the tires' fault.