It's snowing


molṑn labé
Staff member
For those of us who squeaked past the PRESIDENTS DAY STORM OF THE CENTURY, namely N Indiana & S Michigan, it's our turn.

5" since 3pm & still coming down at a good clip.
we've got that too...

it's moving day tomorrow, the temps are dropping to -10 from the 2c it's been all week, and they're calling for 12-15 cm of snow...

of all the !@#$ luck :grumpy:
:D Its raining here now and we get flash flood warnings almost every hour...the snow is still about a foot deep even afyer being rained on for 24 hours....
Got about 2" here, but it's blowing like a bugger. I'll have 3' drifts to cut through in the morning.
Professur said:
Got about 2" here, but it's blowing like a bugger.

Leslie said:
Yep, we got about 6 inches so far...and no sign of stopping :(

We are still talking about snow ,right?(

Anyhoo ,its expected to drop down to -4 this week .brrrr .Its sunny during the day and clear at night ,so doesn't look like snow yet for us.:p
Well, it's been raining overnight here and it feels like spring in the air with the sun peeking out occasionally from behind the clouds. The daffodils along the sides of the roads are about half grown and if this keeps up they will be showing themselves soon, though the trees are still bare, but that can change pretty quickly too. :D
Ah, now it's someone else's turn to bitch about the snow, get a sore back from shoveling, and for us to ignore your complaints. :D

I haven't seen any daffodils yet but some of my crocus and tulips are starting to break ground. Eh, spring is just around the corner, snow be gone!!
Wierd down here. In Atlanta yesterday, it hit 70 F. I went two hours north to see my mother and crashed up there. I woke up this AM to a half inch of snow, which promptly melted off before noon. *poke2*
Kruz said:
It's 72f and a little windy here

Q said:
It's windows open weather

unclehobart said:
I almost freaked out and put on swimtrunks.

HomeLAN said:
I woke up this AM to a half inch of snow, which promptly melted off before noon.

:p 6.75" and 1-2" more tonight.

Greenie, I lived thru one winter here with a real snowfall (similar to this) and bought a snowblower. No more shoveling that crap for me :D