It's sooooo slow here today!

The new one is really strange... laughs maniacally too and hangs out on street corners for hours until the cops pick him up. They called him "harmless, but he scares people". He's clearly missing more than just a few screws, his whole assembly is off upstairs.
Stop Laughing said:
The new one is really strange... laughs maniacally too and hangs out on street corners for hours until the cops pick him up. They called him "harmless, but he scares people". He's clearly missing more than just a few screws, his whole assembly is off upstairs.

whaa....I just had the upstairs renovated ,now the basement could use a coat or two of paint and maybe some structural work....ooops ..never mind, *peepwall*
Stop Laughing said:
All I got is some batty old lady and now a bald guy in a blue hooded sweatshirt that talks to himself and holds his right ear. I'll trade you for the celery!
You sure you want celery? If you stay hourly, you get paid more if you stay around longer. People on celery get paid the same no matter how long they have to stick around.
Nixy said:
What is going on? Does noone sit online on a Sunday anymore?? I have been here at my desk ALL day (except when I took a 2 hour nap) doing homework and everytime I stop for a few min and come here to make a few posts before I get back into my reading there are very few, if any, new posts :(

Sundays are my re-coop days...and boy did I need to re-coop yesterday.Only got out of bed to go potty...................... :D
I was playing Diablo most of the afternoon/night. By the time you posted, I was asleep after watching West Wing and Rome.
Nixy said:
What is going on? Does noone sit online on a Sunday anymore?? I have been here at my desk ALL day (except when I took a 2 hour nap) doing homework and everytime I stop for a few min and come here to make a few posts before I get back into my reading there are very few, if any, new posts :(

Double post. Sorry.
Nixy said:
What is going on? Does noone sit online on a Sunday anymore?? I have been here at my desk ALL day (except when I took a 2 hour nap) doing homework and everytime I stop for a few min and come here to make a few posts before I get back into my reading there are very few, if any, new posts :(

I just flew in this morning from New Orleans.
I was hanging out at my boyfriend's place for most of the day .. he's on another island so that's my retreat :D