It's the biggest function of the federal government


molṑn labé
Staff member
The federal government spent $952 billion in 2007 on elderly benefits, up from $601 billion in 2000. The cost of government benefits for seniors soared to a record $27,289 per senior

See, if those old folks would quit sucking off the system, the young folks could get free insurance.

USA Today

in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

Medicare & SSA do none of those things.
See, if those old folks would quit sucking off the system, the young folks could get free insurance.

USA Today

Medicare & SSA do none of those things.

Hush yo' mouf. You'll be on the receiving end of those before long, and...if you didn't could actually wind up needing those services. I'm gettin' Tri-care for life, plus my military pension, plus whatever I can squeeze out of a civilian job when I retire from the AF. If I do it right, my entire military pension could be rolled into an IRA while I work the next 20 years on the outside...;)
See, if those old folks would quit sucking off the system, the young folks could get free insurance.

USA Today

Medicare & SSA do none of those things.

in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
it does that to a degree.
The gov't has only one function. To spend your money for you, as 'they' see fit. Anything you see returned to you is only to convince you to send more. For thousands of years, the elderly were taken care of by the children they raised. Social Security and gov't pensions are just one more lever to ensure that the state has more to say about how you live than your family does. File it right beside subsidized daycare and state run public schools.
NO plan that involves what the actions are of other people, is a good one.
You just can't predict what people will do, and to rely on people to do the
right thing, and the plan work is worse than the odds of the lottery.

Plans and laws should be so that there is an iron clad result as the product.
Why use chance, like in the battle in Iraq, where you don't know/have control
over the outcome to a certain degree.
In fact they do, but the degree seems very small if any.
The gov't has only one function. To spend your money for you, as 'they' see fit. Anything you see returned to you is only to convince you to send more. For thousands of years, the elderly were taken care of by the children they raised. Social Security and gov't pensions are just one more lever to ensure that the state has more to say about how you live than your family does. File it right beside subsidized daycare and state run public schools.

He gets it.

This is just a huge version of what heralds the 36 billion dollar loss at General Motors. Feed & clothe more people than you have working for their feed & clothing & you have a recipe for disaster.

Our boomers are about to enter into this system. One where you are forced to get medicare (universal health) & social security. What was intended to be a widows fund & emegency medical coverage is now 35% of the US budget and growing.

Benjamin Franklin said:
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic
If you call leaving a large percentage of people out in the cold "Good enough" then make it work in your own country.

I see a system where these people are not left out in the cold as vastly superior.
Right, if your kids die you can send a robot back in time to change the past!

Especially if it's Sarah Connor's kid.
You'll pardon me that I've found other things to occupy my time that watching yet another movie reduced to drivel for the masses. 3 minutes of Blade (the series) was enough for this decade, thanks. I'd much rather spend my time watching the newly hatched spiders walking across my ceiling. The kids enjoy it too.
It was good enough to get us here. I don't see the new system getting us anywhere.

I'll buy that, if they will also restore my property rights, and privacy rights,
that have been trampled into the ground.

I Cab tell ya, I remember back early 'Cliton', when the tax went from 33% to over 50%,
and it hurt.

I don't think I've drawn out near what I've put in, but I believe I could get on board,
with giving me back, what's left, and call it quits.:aheadbng:

The potential to go from broke to millionaire is much farther out of reach
for many people. now a lot more than then.

Have our previous presidents' left us better than when they started?
How many of um?