It's the biggest function of the federal government

I prefer a system where people decide their futures for themselves.

really? that's surprising given how much you seem to wanna regulate others' behavior.

or do you just mean in an economic sense?

oh, yeah, that's it!

hey answered my own question.

really? that's surprising given how much you seem to wanna regulate others' behavior.

You want to back that mouth up with some facts?

Let's see, what could you possibly be jabbering about?

Abortion? Frankly, I don't give a fuck about the mother. I care about the unborn child being murdered.
Gay marriage? I have a problem (declared) with changing the definition of the word marriage. What a people do in their bedrooms is their own affair.

Anything else?
Those are two examples of you wanting to regulate others actions.

Also aren't you one of the people that want more regulations forcing people to stay married?
Um ... yeah. It's even better if they don't call it 'marriage' in the first place, since without those words, it isn't. You can pretty much file that one with gay marriage. If you have to change the definition of the word to make it fit you ... it doesn't fit you. Find another one to describe whatever you're choosing to be.

Y'see, again it's coming back to the same thing. You want something new, more power to ya. But leave what's worked for millennia alone. It ain't broke.
You want to back that mouth up with some facts?

Let's see, what could you possibly be jabbering about?

Abortion? Frankly, I don't give a fuck about the mother. I care about the unborn child being murdered.
Gay marriage? I have a problem (declared) with changing the definition of the word marriage. What a people do in their bedrooms is their own affair.

Anything else?

don't forget advocating, generally, for a police state. :rainfrow:
Um ... yeah. It's even better if they don't call it 'marriage' in the first place, since without those words, it isn't. You can pretty much file that one with gay marriage. If you have to change the definition of the word to make it fit you ... it doesn't fit you. Find another one to describe whatever you're choosing to be.

Marriage: A union between two persons having the customary but usually not the legal force of marriage.

Don't have to change it for gay marriage and I don't see any requirement for "till death do us part".

I think the problem is you want everyone to conform to your own personal definition.
zappa said:
Central Scrutinizer:
This is the CENTRAL is my responsibility to enforce all the laws that haven't been passed yet. It is also my responsibility to alert each and every one of you to the potential consequences of various ordinary everyday activities you might be performing which could eventually lead to *The Death Penalty* (or affect your parents' credit rating). Our criminal institutions are full of little creeps like you who do wrong things...and many of them were driven to these crimes by a horrible force called MUSIC!

Our studies have shown that this horrible force is so dangerous to society at large that laws are being drawn up at this very moment to stop it forever! Cruel and inhuman punishments are being carefully described in tiny paragraphs so they won't conflict with the Constitution (which, itself, is being modified in order to accommodate THE FUTURE).

I bring you now a special presentation to show what can happen to you if you choose a career in MUSIC...The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only...if you have to load or unload, go to the WHITE ZONE... you'll love's a way of life...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...Hi, it's me, I'm back. This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER...The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only...If yah gotta load, or if yah gotta unload, go to the WHITE ZONE. You'll love's a way of life. That's right, you'll love it, it's a way of life, that's right, you'll love it, it's a way of life, you'll love it. This, is, the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER!
I prefer a system where people decide their futures for themselves.

Actually, I prefer a system where people are responsible for the actions they take. Decisions do not always equal responsibility. For instance...I made a decision a long time ago to join the Air Force. I don't like the idea of travelling all across the globe, putting out other peoples' fires, nor do I like the idea of said people complaining about the way the 'fire' gets put out. choice comes with certain responsibilities, which are pretty well summed up in both my contract and that little oath I took. I could conceivably get out without fulfilling either my contract, my oath, or both, but that would be, IMO, irresponsible outside of extreme circumstances.
Re: It's the biggest function of the federal government
Yep, and it's kept me in work for the past five years too. Seriously, I worked on the unemployment system for about three years, then on the Medicaid system for the past two. There is good money involved in paying out money. I wonder sometimes about going to work for a company that actually earns money, that would be different. The pay is pretty good working to give it away though.

I think the welfare system (including SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, basically any funds or services you get from the government that the rest of us pay for and don't get) is necessary. I think there are poeple out there that desperately need the help, and use it only when necessary. I also realize there are people out there that will suck the system for every penny they can get out of it. It sucks. It really sucks, but unless we figure out a way to know who is sucking and who is using it because they need it, there is nothing we can do about it. I can tell you from personal experience that we are getting better about knowing this. We aren't perfect by any means, but there is an effort underway, and it is working. The sad part to me is that there will almost certainly be people that truly need it cut off in order to keep the bad apples out.

As for the other issues discussed, I think any person should be able to marry any other person. It's a personal bond, just as everyone else's bond is a personal bond. If other people using the word marriage to describe their relationship affects your relationship somehow, then I'd have to think that is your problem, not theirs.

Abortion, I still have to think that's a case by case decision, but mostly left up to the woman who will ultimately have to take responsibility for the child. I don't believe it should be used as a form of birth control, but I don't believe an 18 year old girl should have to bear a child because she got drunk and made a stupid mistake either. In the case of a couple, it should be the couples decision.

Thank you and have a nice day.
I think there are poeple out there that desperately need the help, and use it only when necessary.

They, unfortunately, are the exception to the rule.

Having a system for that necessity could be viable. As soon as 100% of those who've sucked the tit of gov't for a bad ankle or for getting knocked up, again, are off the system, we shoud implement it.

We need to reinstate the WPA...
Having a system for that necessity could be viable. As soon as 100% of those who've sucked the tit of gov't for a bad ankle or for getting knocked up, again, are off the system, we shoud implement it.
That's what it was created as. That's what we implemented it as. If we stop them all, reimplement in ten years, it will be another whole month before the system is full of the tit-suckers again. Unfortunately the tit-suckers are pretty good at what they do, it's really a shame they don't work, they are obviously intelligent people that could contribute.
Yep, and it's kept me in work for the past five years too. Seriously, I worked on the unemployment system for about three years, then on the Medicaid system for the past two. There is good money involved in paying out money. I wonder sometimes about going to work for a company that actually earns money, that would be different. The pay is pretty good working to give it away though.

I think the welfare system (including SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, basically any funds or services you get from the government that the rest of us pay for and don't get) is necessary. I think there are poeple out there that desperately need the help, and use it only when necessary. I also realize there are people out there that will suck the system for every penny they can get out of it. It sucks. It really sucks, but unless we figure out a way to know who is sucking and who is using it because they need it, there is nothing we can do about it. I can tell you from personal experience that we are getting better about knowing this. We aren't perfect by any means, but there is an effort underway, and it is working. The sad part to me is that there will almost certainly be people that truly need it cut off in order to keep the bad apples out.

As for the other issues discussed, I think any person should be able to marry any other person. It's a personal bond, just as everyone else's bond is a personal bond. If other people using the word marriage to describe their relationship affects your relationship somehow, then I'd have to think that is your problem, not theirs.

Abortion, I still have to think that's a case by case decision, but mostly left up to the woman who will ultimately have to take responsibility for the child. I don't believe it should be used as a form of birth control, but I don't believe an 18 year old girl should have to bear a child because she got drunk and made a stupid mistake either. In the case of a couple, it should be the couples decision.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Nicely said. :clap:
A lot of public works got done, well I might add, by the WPA. Although, given todays mentality, nothing of value would be accomplished.

First, kill all the lawyers.
The gov't has only one function. To spend your money for you, as 'they' see fit. Anything you see returned to you is only to convince you to send more. For thousands of years, the elderly were taken care of by the children they raised. Social Security and gov't pensions are just one more lever to ensure that the state has more to say about how you live than your family does. File it right beside subsidized daycare and state run public schools.

How terribly sad that the Canadian Scot understands this better than anyone else...and he isn't even required to pay into this fiasco.