Yep, and it's kept me in work for the past five years too. Seriously, I worked on the unemployment system for about three years, then on the Medicaid system for the past two. There is good money involved in paying out money. I wonder sometimes about going to work for a company that actually earns money, that would be different. The pay is pretty good working to give it away though.
I think the welfare system (including SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, basically any funds or services you get from the government that the rest of us pay for and don't get) is necessary. I think there are poeple out there that desperately need the help, and use it only when necessary. I also realize there are people out there that will suck the system for every penny they can get out of it. It sucks. It really sucks, but unless we figure out a way to know who is sucking and who is using it because they need it, there is nothing we can do about it. I can tell you from personal experience that we are getting better about knowing this. We aren't perfect by any means, but there is an effort underway, and it is working. The sad part to me is that there will almost certainly be people that truly need it cut off in order to keep the bad apples out.
As for the other issues discussed, I think any person should be able to marry any other person. It's a personal bond, just as everyone else's bond is a personal bond. If other people using the word marriage to describe their relationship affects your relationship somehow, then I'd have to think that is your problem, not theirs.
Abortion, I still have to think that's a case by case decision, but mostly left up to the woman who will ultimately have to take responsibility for the child. I don't believe it should be used as a form of birth control, but I don't believe an 18 year old girl should have to bear a child because she got drunk and made a stupid mistake either. In the case of a couple, it should be the couples decision.
Thank you and have a nice day.