It's Time!

The NY Times finally gets it:

A War We Just Might Win

Here is the most important thing Americans need to understand: We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms. As two analysts who have harshly criticized the Bush administration’s miserable handling of Iraq, we were surprised by the gains we saw and the potential to produce not necessarily “victory” but a sustainable stability that both we and the Iraqis could live with.

Today, morale is high. The soldiers and marines told us they feel that they now have a superb commander in Gen. David Petraeus; they are confident in his strategy, they see real results, and they feel now they have the numbers needed to make a real difference.

Everywhere, Army and Marine units were focused on securing the Iraqi population, working with Iraqi security units, creating new political and economic arrangements at the local level and providing basic services — electricity, fuel, clean water and sanitation — to the people. Yet in each place, operations had been appropriately tailored to the specific needs of the community. As a result, civilian fatality rates are down roughly a third since the surge began — though they remain very high, underscoring how much more still needs to be done.
well I'm back.
IMO it is time.
We Need the troops Here Now.

La Raza is calling for a rise up.
That's the word I'm getting.

After seeing the way the House acted, and the look on senaters faces coming
from closed door meetings, we've got trouble.
well I'm back.
IMO it is time.
We Need the troops Here Now.

La Raza is calling for a rise up.
That's the word I'm getting.

After seeing the way the House acted, and the look on senaters faces coming
from closed door meetings, we've got trouble.

Clinton, Obama address La Raza
Mon, Jul. 23, 2007

Democratic front-runners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama vowed Sunday to crusade for immigration reform if elected president....their mere presence at the Miami Beach Convention Center -- along with their agreement with much of the National Council of La Raza agenda on immigration, healthcare and education -- gratified an audience ready to play a pivotal role in the 2008 campaign.

''I'm proud to have not one, but two front-runners in the race for president of the United States,'' said Janet Murguia, La Raza's president. "I think it says a lot about our power and our energy to shape this country.''

Clinton enjoyed somewhat of a home-field advantage. Murguia worked in her husband's presidential administration, and La Raza's past president has endorsed her campaign.

Sen. Hillary Clinton and La Raza president Janet Murgula greet the audience Sunday at the National Council of La Raza convention in Miami Beach.
Reform? More like a promise to continue to turn a blind eye at the open floogates. Just leave your vote at the door please.
OMG it's time for RAHOWA! everybody go dig up your cached ammo and prepare for 'the bronze people!'

... of course not.

there's always radicals. right in your ideological backyard, sir.

i think most mexican immigrants are more interested in jobs and having a life than radical politics. pretty much like most other people.

and you might want to figure out what the term 'raza' really means, because the word certainly predates biological (and exclusionary) notions of 'race.' so in all likely hood it means what 'race' did in the 19th century. which is simply 'group of people.'
I didn't mention race.
You, Winky, and La Raza did.

BTW JFTR I have a higher respect for most Legal immigrants assimilating, That
are becoming/(have become) Citizens than I do for many naturalized
citizens that I've known most of my life.

We've got some trash here for sure, but it's Our trash.
right. except that you made a point about la raza and then linked to stories about some evil agenda. so, you did mention it.
La Raza is the one I heard about. They just happen to be Hispanic, and
are most definitely racist, and make that the issue by trying to say the
race card was brought by other, when in fact They brought it to serve their

They are one of the largest groups, and is why they draw more attention.

I could name several other groups. It's is not a racial issue for me, although
I do profile, and IF other factors are present, I takes that particular part
into account, but is not the Initial factor unless it looks like a cover-up.

This Government now has made more people have a knee-jerk reaction
because of their 'play-down' action, and That's about money over best interest of the nation.

BTW, the "evil agenda" isn't just a "story" by some "hate group", it is indeed Fact.
BTW, the "evil agenda" isn't just a "story" by some "hate group", it is indeed Fact.

it's "real" but vastly overestimated in significance by the sensationalist shit slingers you seem to think of as a viable news source. that shit's about as accurate as iranian news sources talking about the west, only in reverse. there's germans out there that still celebrate hitler's birthday. that don't mean the fourth reich is swelling up.
chasing shadows is equally ridiculous.

i don't think i've actually contradicted myself, but whatever....
well, I now understand that al-Maliki Does have to live there, and there
has to be someone to 'try' to keep some resemblance of some kind of 'unity'.
More so than even in this country.
The more insecurity, the less likely that will Ever be realized.

Gen Pertaeus was originally given until Sept.
1-1/2 months from now.
In the scheme of the total war. I personally don't think that is unreasonable.

By all means, if there isn't some kind of Major showing by the Iraqi gov. by then,
They deserve our withdrawal, .... at least in part, a big part.

Well after hearing the initial report, I do stand behind the current recommendation
by Gen. Petraeus, at least for the next six months, personally.

IMO we still need to secure This country more too though.