I've Got the Need for Speed

1.5 Mb/s download

384 Kb/s upload

whatever THAT means.............

all I know is that it's better than the dialup pukage---If I never hear that sound of a modem looking for an internet connection again it will be too soon!
That is good bandwidth for DSL
you'll not miss dial-up (you'll be forever spoiled)

Unc, I was kinda jokin' about him tryin' to find
the lyrics to the song Apostrophe on the album Apostrophe.

One of his finest werks, wouldn't you say?
The Other One said:
1.5 Mb/s download

384 Kb/s upload

whatever THAT means.............

all I know is that it's better than the dialup pukage---If I never hear that sound of a modem looking for an internet connection again it will be too soon!
Max dialup speed=53.3 Kbps (kilobits per second) Note that thats bits, not bytes. A byte is 8 bits. A kilobit is 1024 bits. Tht's usually up as well as down for dial up, BTW.

Download=1.5 Mb/s (megabits per second). A megabit is 1024 kilobits so roughly 28 times faster than dial up download? I may have skipped a step there.

Upload=384 Kb/s (same as Kbps). Typically most broadband providers offer asynchronous transfer speeds simply because the average end user could give a ff about upload. all they care about (unless they're sending large e-mail attatchments) is download speed. Still, up is roughly 6 times faster than dial-up.

:tmi: yet? :nerd:

That is good bandwidth for DSL
you'll not miss dial-up (you'll be forever spoiled)

Winky understates the case, I'm afraid. After a few weeks you'll never be able to go back to dial-up. :D
I just hate the confusing use of the SI preffixes.

I *think* that when talking bits, kilo and mega preffixes indicate 1000 and 1000000, not 2^10 and 2^20 bits.

When talking bytes, they do indicate 2^10 and 2^20 bytes (unless when looking at hard drives sizes).

Best way to avoid such confussion is to use the ki (kibi) and Mi (Mibi) preffixes instead of kilo and mega. But that's still an utopia.
Actually if you are running XP (W2K) you can
run perfmon.msc and see your incoming
bytes per second received on your Nic card and get
a good read on the bandwidth you are a gettin'


I'm supposed to have five million bits per second
guess I'm a gettin' what I'm paying for.
See there is still hope for you 'B' cup wimen's
save that money you'd spend on breast augmentation
for something worthwhile like um wait
well mebbe then again...