I've never told anyone this before...


New Member
...but this smilie :p is the lamest smilie ever. I never use it. No one should. It should be called :pettiness:
I know that no one cares. I just had to mention it after these long years of it playing on my mind and haunting my dreams and causing me all manner of ills.

You may now commence rebellion by posting layer after layer of the thing...

and also...the tongue is stoopid. I mean...it looks like.....like......like nothing!
I use it when I want to provoke someone else. Like: "wanna beat me? You'll have to trip to South America la, la, la" :p
is much better :D
The space is appropriate now. He is no longer lastlegionary. He is now last legionary. The space is needed to show our acceptance of the new L L. Making a referral to LL is old school.