Jailed for falling in love


Well-Known Member
HYDERABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani couple were released Saturday after serving five years in jail for adultery, their only crime having been to fall in love and get married.

Sodi, 23, and her husband, Abdul Hakeem Kashkeli, 26, appeared in court in the southern city of Hyderabad where the judge ordered their release.

"I am overjoyed. We have got justice at last," Sodi, 23, told reporters waiting outside. "The judgment shows we have done nothing wrong and it is no crime to marry the man you love."

The court heard a statement from the maulvi, or Muslim preacher, who had conducted the marriage and dismissed the adultery case, defense lawyer Khuda Baksh Leghari told Reuters.

Every year, hundreds of Pakistani women become victims of so-called honor killings for marrying without their families' consent, especially in conservative rural areas.

Others end up in jail after relatives file adultery cases.

Sodi and her husband were arrested in October 2001 on adultery charges and held in separate jails after the woman's father accused the man of abducting his daughter.

In this day and age??!?
You're thinking with your white western mind. Some parts of this world are still in the stone age.

I guess they should have left the country first.

Their crime was falling in love? Thats not what I read. It sounds like they were fucking without giving the parents a chance to haggle over the dowry. Thats probably a crime there.
Where the F@ck you been

Jaswinder Kaur Sidhu from Maple Ridge, British Columbia was kidnapped, tortured and killed because she went against her family’s wishes and married the man she loved

Atwal, 48, stabbed his 17-year-old daughter Amandeep in July 2003 while driving her from Vancouver to Prince George. The teenager had been living in Prince George with her boyfriend, Todd McIsaac.

etc.. etc..
Religion is such a wonderful thing...*peepwall*

*That'll start a bunch of screamin' and hollerin'*
yeah that shit's been going on forever over there. "unexplained kitchen fires" happen in india all the time.
yeah i didn't notice that she was from BC. guess they bring that stuff along, eh?

my old roommate was punjabi by birth but grew up around toronto. he was pretty much western but, then, he did have to break off a relationship with some chick because her mom's maiden name indicated some sort of caste thing that was unacceptable... seems like maybe it takes a couple generations for the 'old country' stuff to really not matter anymore.