Jello for President 2020

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That's about how long it might take minimum....

This is the kind of man we ought to be proud to call a leader, I know I am....

He has a great sense of humor when telling the truth too....

JELLO 20/20!

You guys who call me a liberal don't even know that the fuck a liberal is! I only call you cons, conservative, neocons, and such because you are so fucking proud to call yourselves that when you have only slightly more idea of what that means than you do liberal!




What the fuck would Jesus actually think?

You guys who call me a liberal don't even know that the fuck a liberal is! I only call you cons, conservative, neocons, and such because you are so fucking proud to call yourselves that when you have only slightly more idea of what that means than you do liberal!




What the fuck would Jesus actually think?


Let's see if I have this straight:

1) You want the government in complete control over individual health care -- in a non-liberal sort of way.

2) You want the government to nationalize all corporations -- in non-liberal sort of way.

3) You want shorter and lighter sentences for violent felons in order to "rehab" them -- in non-liberal sort of way.

4) You want government mandated and approved light bulb, TP, and thermostat settings -- in non-liberal sort of way.

5) You want the government to madate wages for all workers -- in a non-liberal sort of way.

O.K. big guy. :lol2:
When are you going to get it that you are on ignore Frodo? If it wasn't that when I just checked this thread you were the only response I might not have even known you responded! You are on ignore because I consider you nothing but a troll, with nothing to add to any conversation, and that you are completely unwilling to learn or debate or discuss. I read your post but I won't respond other than to say, well you might be right. I severely doubt it, especially given that I am not for all those things at all, but the point is, based on what I have read of your postings you have become so irrelevant to me I have a hard time even caring!

If I knew you in person, providing you are even capable of liking a liberal, we might get along fine and you may be a great guy. I have more than one conservative friend. Unfortunately, perhaps for us both, I have no interest in discussion with you in this forum.

See you in the lunatic lounge or something maybe, but why you bother with me here is a mystery to me! If you respond to me, so other people can see what you said, I think it's silly, but I suppose it's none of my business.

Have a great day, and may your team win! Unless your team is the fucking Bears!
While the DKs were entertaining, for about 6 minutes, Jello is an idiot. Maybe he & Henry Rollins ought to mud wrestle for contributions.

Although, I bet the Brits could get behind Sid Vicious for King.
Same goes for you Gonz as Frodo, and that is the last time I intend to say so. In my never so humble opinion I think you are an idiot (not any reflection on intelligence) and I am sure you probably feel the same about me, so in the RW forum can we just leave at that already?

May the Raiders kick ass! Have a great day Gonz, it's not personal, but I mean what I say!
Respond, or not, as you see fit. However. I will not allow the lies, distortions & half-truths you present to stand unchallenged.

Also, if you start a thread or respond to a post & I have something to say...I will.

You claim to not be liberal but every stance you take is for big government & sides with liberal politics. Maybe you ought to rethink your position.
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