John Edwards Love Child


Well-Known Member

Will Billary stop at nothing to eliminate the competition?

First they try to derail Brock with accusations of cocaine use ("Aahhh did not inhale.")

Now they try to terminate Breck with sordid tales of illicit sexual relations....
eeeew that chick has a weak chin... this can't be true... political big shooter like edwards gotta be able to get better looking honeys. but then there is the example of monica and... yeha okay maybe he porked her.
Ya know, sometimes it's not all about looks.

After all, Hillary is not afraid to go out in public looking like this


But it's more than a quinky-winky that the owner of the Ntl. Enq. is Roger Altman, a former Clinton administration deputy treasury secretary and current Hillary backer.
It doesn't matter to me if it was a Clinton wack job or not---she can try all she wants to eliminate the competition but it won't get her elected PoTUS. In fact, this country's not foolish enough to elect any dem.

It is strange timing to see reference to an incident that has the potential to unseat Edward's lead in Iowa come out 3 weeks before the caucus, though.

Don't you believe that the Clintons are capable of doing anything to get what they want?
In fact, this country's not foolish enough to elect any dem.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the majority is leaning towards Dems. We'd have to be a nation of fools to put another Rep in.

It is strange timing to see reference to an incident that has the potential to unseat Edward's lead in Iowa come out 3 weeks before the caucus, though.

You mean the Enquirer looks to run stories about candidates near election time? What weird timing. :rolleyes:

Don't you believe that the Clintons are capable of doing anything to get what they want?

I believe any of the candidates on either side are capable of doing things.
Have you seen the candidates you guys have, it would be a shame to vote for any of them. what happened to the days when polititions were heroes?

Mud slinging, lying group of self serving idiots.

(not that it is better in any other country)
They won't elect a dem for two reasons. Because its a choice of a woman or a black man and this country isn't that civilized yet.

Thank god Thomson is no real threat, because IMHO, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, or John McCain, any one of them would be a MAJOR upgrade from the slime and disease that infects the white house now....
Hell I could almost vote for McCain myself. At least he has some integrity and does what he feels is best for the people. Personally if it were up to me it'd be President Edwards....

They won't elect a dem for two reasons. Because its a choice of a woman or a black man and this country isn't that civilized yet.

Mayhap you & spike would like to share a loveshack in, say, Borneo? Leave us heathens to ourselves.
Gonz quoting the author said:
a choice of a woman or a black man and this country isn't that civilized yet.

I'd vote for Condi over anybody running for either party, and I'm a racist backwardass inbred redneck hillbilly no count white trash. Who you callin uncivilized, brake-cleaner boy?