John Lott on the "recession"

I used to use CAD at a job awhile back. It was fun.

Thus my impetus to try to get back into the field. It is like playing video games all day and getting paid big bucks for doing so.

What platform were you using?
I didn't previously mention that the current landlord is not the same one that owned the place when I moved in. The prior owner sold it about half a year after I moved in, but didn't put it on the market (or mention any intent to do so) until I'd lived there for about two weeks.

Given that, I don't think it's fair or accurate to classify me as a "sucker," since there was nothing I could have realistically done to foresee and avoid the situation.

Additionally, my original anecdotal story was about businesses cutting back on advertising to save costs. I noticed that part of my most recent post was conveniently ignored. Perhaps that's because it doesn't support your opinion.
I didn't previously mention that the current landlord is not the same one that owned the place when I moved in. The prior owner sold it about half a year after I moved in, but didn't put it on the market (or mention any intent to do so) until I'd lived there for about two weeks.

Hence my observation "Your landlord was a dishonorable person ..."

Given that, I don't think it's fair or accurate to classify me as a "sucker," since there was nothing I could have realistically done to foresee and avoid the situation.

Hence my observation that "He supplanted the money ... and (he) took you for a sucker."

Additionally, my original anecdotal story was about businesses cutting back on advertising to save costs. I noticed that part of my most recent post was conveniently ignored. Perhaps that's because it doesn't support your opinion.

I covered that in THIS POST in answer to your aptly labled anecdotal story.

You answered, to my satisfaction, in YOUR POST so why should I continue to comment on something for which you gave a good and logically correct answer?

You added the further extraneous information on your eviction and I responded to that as a separate issue for which I hold you not a whit responsible. Bad things happen to good people all the time despite their best efforts to the contrary. In street parlance ... shit happens.