Joseph McClendon III or Anthony Robbins?


New Member
I really don't know much about Joseph McClendon III, but Anthony Robbins is a great presenter and more importantly a great teacher. Robbins hates the idea of people calling him a motivational speaker, since that is not his intent. He attempts to teach you skills you can use in your own life to change your patterns of thinking, your behaviors, and your reactions to stimuli.

I have seen Robbins in person, on video, listened to audio, and read several of his books. Never have I walked away from any of his materials without feeling as if I gained some great insights or new ideas I can implement in my life.

How sold am I on Tony's stuff? I listen to him while I exercise on a regular basis to refresh my memory on his techniques. I implement what he teaches to help me in both my business and personal life. He is one of the great teachers of our time, plus it is nearly impossible to walk away from a Robbins event without a major spike in adrenalin.

Who do you like to turn to for motivation and inspiration?
i like to read mein kampf on the toilet for inspiration. ha ha just joking of course.

there's a guy who goes by "gotholic" here who will believe anything. he's the one you should target for the self-help stuff.

you should try landmark training. it's better than robbins. more comprehensive. and profitable.
i like to read mein kampf on the toilet for inspiration. ha ha just joking of course.

there's a guy who goes by "gotholic" here who will believe anything. he's the one you should target for the self-help stuff.

you should try landmark training. it's better than robbins. more comprehensive. and profitable.

You've got that totally backwards.
you and ward churchill should start your own self help center. you guys can chug all the colloidal silver and cock you want.
I was really into Robbins 15-20 years ago. Not so much now.
I think it's not healthy to put your faith too much in people, or especially one person too much.
I personally am set on some of my thinking, but try my best to keep an open mind in many areas,
and search for several sources on some philosophy.
it was the 80's man I learned bio-feedback and walked on fire
when I lined up to walk across the third time the dude was
all like: hey you can stop now...
how could anyone buy into that kind of nonsense?
Neroliguistics can actually be a very useful tool.
The mind is a powerful thing.
I don't think I'd be trying walking across any hot coals barefooted at ones of his seminars though. :p
you're talking about the "neurolinguistic" techniques that are used by grifters and pick-up artists?