Judge In Zimmerman Case Pressured by Obama Administration?

LOL dude you don't understand the statement at all, and i'm not about to try to explain it to you, because you never will understand it.

Another fine example of I'msmarterthanyousoshutup&listen.

If you have nothing to say, then say nothing
yeah yeah let's pull out the gonz-homer simpson"oooh, he thinks he's soooo big" bullshit again. yawn.

YOU try explaining anything to swirlbrain.

though perhaps you will be better at communicating with him, since you work in monosyllables in a blender as well.
You are such a shit. You start it, then get huffy (and personal) when it doesn't go your way.

rolling stone cover like the boston bomber? "boy?"

no chooch. buddy tried to be clever, and i just threw some shittiness right back.

or did you miss that?
rolling stone cover like the boston bomber? "boy?"

no chooch. buddy tried to be clever, and i just threw some shittiness right back.

or did you miss that?
I never mention the bomber BTW, and most people find it a kind of complement when one says "you go boy".
it seems strange to me that you can put 2 and 2 together really quick on that. I makes it look
like you fiend not understanding my previous posts.

Either way, peace out bro. I'm pretty much done on this thread, and and getting too close to preaching, even for me.