Judge wants written clarification on Justice's view of President's remarks

it's all about love man.
The real love...God love.
It had to be freewill to be real love.

It's not wrong for two to love, just wrong to do the "inconvenient" thing.

so god's all about love but he doesn't want just any two people having their love be socially and legally recognized?

hmmm... seems to me your god is more about making babies for his tribe than love...

why would god object to a couple of chicks getting hitched? what is the big problem presented by that? "because that is god's law" or "it is natural" are not good answers. what's the reason?
If you can not (or willfully refuse)
to see that this hasn't anything to do with homosexuals
but is merely another attack on marriage and the family
then there's no reasoning with you.

Let the fudge packers, scissor sisters have their civil unions
but don't try to tell us non-sodomizers that their aberrant
behavior is equal.

Next thing you know there will be a war on women?

Are these non-issues drummed up by the left, merely to distract
from the truly horrendous crap they are pulling off in plain sight?

Anyone that buys into this is dumber than dogshit!
another attack on marriage and family huh? that is some of the lamest bullshit rationalization i've heard in a long time. and you immediately show its transparency by the negative fag talk. or rather it is transparent to everyone but you and your ilk. fags don't worry about and do not remotely threaten your marriage and family. they want to pursue happiness as equal members of society. that has no impact on your marriage and its success or lack thereof. but you worry about fags. lots. and latinos. and blacks. et cetera. why, it seems you worry about - and blame - everyone but you. maybe it's time to shift focus.
so god's all about love but he doesn't want just any two people having their love be socially and legally recognized?

hmmm... seems to me your god is more about making babies for his tribe than love...

why would god object to a couple of chicks getting hitched? what is the big problem presented by that? "because that is god's law" or "it is natural" are not good answers. what's the reason?

First I don't see him as 'my' God, just 'The' God.
Second, ...yes, God created Male, and Female for procreation.

"hitched"? northing I guess on that. That's all about taxes and such it seems.
That's laws created by humans.
I reckon God doesn't like any kind of fornication outside of the Marriage witch is for procreation.
I have my own faults in that area so I'm not quick to judge on a personal level.
I'm simply telling you the truth of the bible as I know it.

Personally I have said before, I think the government should get out of the marriage business all together.
Call it 'civil unions' if you like, but true 'marriage' was, and is defined by God.
umm yeah like the "special rights" that you have always enjoyed. hey man i'm sure you thought blacks gaining civil rights was a bad thing too. i understand where you're coming from. i'd just rather not have to wear waders and plug my nose all the time.
you may dislike each for superficially different reasons but they are structurally homologous in yer mental map of the social universe, which is effectively divided into like you : not like you. don't worry, you're not alone. plenty of company. might wanna think about moving to a different desert though. and brushing up on your dari.

well if it's just chicks yer after, the czech erpublic would be a good bet. they all got herpes tho.