julian assnage - hero for our time



wowie looks like our favorite narcissist (he was actually upset that breivik was getting so much more attention for a while) is back in the news.

"Self proclaimed anarchist Julian Assange allegedly fought to prevent redacting the names of U.S. informants in Iraq and Afghanistan from Wikileaks' publication of U.S. Military war memos, saying they deserved death."

what a hero.

way to pick 'em, gotholic.
You do know this is just hearsay, right? Not only just hearsay but hearsay from a guy who seems to have a personal initerest in defaming Assnage and has launched his own rival site.

But what is on record from the horse's mouth from the article is this:

Mr. Assange has publicly stated that the site was very careful in redacting details that might endanger lives and that it only published when it was sure no one would be endangered. He dubbed this a "harm-minimization process"

Assnage has denied this unsubstantiated assertion against him.
He's an irritating c**t...but I think that wikileaks has done more good than ill, generally.