jury duty


New Member
I got a letter telling me I have to report to jury duty in a few weeks. So how crazy do I have to act to get off it? Or what happens to me if I don't show up?
Fines, jail, more jury duty? Depends on the state. Go forth & do your duty, with pride & enthusiasm. Or tell them that you can't afford it. :shrug:
Wear business attire. I know it hurts, but a criminal defense attorney WILL NOT take a white-collar if he/she can avoid it.
I moved from California to Minnesota to get out of jury duty.

I'm sure you won't have to do anything as drastic.
A "Kill Whitey" T-Shirt usually does the trick just about as good as the White collar look.
Since Hawaiian is an official state language ... I was thinking about going in there and refusing to speak English. They'd either have to find me a translator or let me go :D
One problem with that...you're in Hawaii, speaking Hawaiian. Go in there & speak Norse & you may have a plan :D
Personally i wouldn't want to miss it. However if you must just act very opinionated and biased. One side or the other won't want you.
However if you must just act very opinionated and biased.

This method has served me well in the past, however I serve if it's not too inconvenient. Like some others have said, it's part of being a citizen (I'm not a fanatic about it though).
Gonz: I doubt they conduct official business in Hawaiian though...

Ku'u: I don't think they can let you go on those gorunds but if they can't find any other reason to let you go it would be fun to have a translator. :laugh5:

Jury duty is worth the price of admission. Yeah..what they pay doesn't begin to cover your time...but I tell you, I've been on three juries in my life and each one was a trip...

Longest went 2 weeks...shortest was 2 days.

1st case: 2 days , Guy took a cop's gun, shot him in the face 5 times, and then claimed the officer shot himself in order to frame him....it only took 2 days total because one of the other jurors got food poisoning and the defense tried to get a mistrial for a day...

2nd case: 2 weeks, woman sued her neighbor for a dog bite that caused 2 stitches. Damages asked for : $375,000...on the basis of lost income and pain and suffering. Dog bitten woman was a heroin addict and a part time worker at Burger King. She lost 4 days of work from the bite.

2 weeks for that....most of it "witnesses" from the plaintiff's side. She won her case and was awarded 4 days wages plus other damages totalling $314....and 62 cents....

3rd case: 4 days, woman charged with murdering her dying husband. This was a tough one....guy was all but vegetative...we found her guilty of a reduced charge and released with time served...2 months...the Judge at first remanded us with the instruction that we could only find 1st degree...we all decided to nullify in deliberation, but then we were told , correctly, that we could find a lesser charge.

...I think that was the right thing...

..anyway..it was all very...interesting...

Gonz said:
One problem with that...you're in Hawaii, speaking Hawaiian. Go in there & speak Norse & you may have a plan :D

There aren't a lot of fluent Hawaiian speakers left in Hawaii ... but since it's an official language, they can't force me to speak English in the courts if I don't want too :D
chcr said:
However if you must just act very opinionated and biased.

This method has served me well in the past, however I serve if it's not too inconvenient. Like some others have said, it's part of being a citizen (I'm not a fanatic about it though).

even if I'm a citizen against my will? :D
I'd say that you should speak Hawaiian. The thought of it amuses me and I'm sure it would be fun for you to have them get you a translator...