just a "post'n" fool!! *lol*


New Member
ok, so what a great feeling!! i've just cancelled my yahoo personals ad! i've decided to hang with just one guy! it's someone i've been dating off and on since february. we've been talking for almost a year now! he lives only about 45 minutes away and we get to see each other quite a bit! i'm actually happy!

*gasp* happy? what a concept. :laugh: but i just had to share that with y'all! that was such a liberating experience!
Good for you.

Want my personal opinion on how to make a relationship rock solid? Absolute honesty. It's amazing how many people flinch when I say that. Never say something just to make the other person feel good. That isn't to say that you never say anything that makes them feel good, you understand.

For example. The missus likes some things that I don't, and can't stand many things that I do. Whenever we go do something that she wants to do, it's value is increased because she knows that I'm not there for *whatever*, but for her. Similarly, whenever I want to take time off to go do some 'man thing'. She makes time to cover me not being there.

Sounds really backwards, doesn't it?
In addition to that, you should give each other's interest an honest try even if you think you'll dislike it, you might surprise yourself.
And I discovered I am a bigger Trekkie than I thought and that I actually enjoy the odd poker game....still not the gaming type, though.
thanks you guys!! it's solid advice! and the good thing is, we like a lot of the same stuff. and he knows that i like being challenged. being totally copacetic (spelling?) has never been my style! i like to change it up and do things that i don't normally do! but if there is any other wisdom you wish to impart, i'm soaking it up!
I'm still mad this place moved it from its original March 14... that meant my birthday is now no longer Steak and a Blowjob day, but SBJ day isn't far enough away, so the two get looped together... kind of like a kid whose birthday is December 23.

Who am I kidding? I've never had a birthday BJ.
I'd think you'd want your BJs to be more frequent than "medium rare," and I like a little pinkness and juiciness left in my steak.
Inkara1 said:
I'm still mad this place moved it from its original March 14... that meant my birthday is now no longer Steak and a Blowjob day, but SBJ day isn't far enough away, so the two get looped together... kind of like a kid whose birthday is December 23.

Who am I kidding? I've never had a birthday BJ.

hhhmmmm......me thinks i missed sumfing...
There are three holidays that are really important here at OTC. Christmas, Valentine's day, and Steak and a Blowjob Day. We used to celebrate it on the same day as Inky's birthday, but then someone found out that we'd been a few days off, and someone reset it to the international standard date. Inky's been annoyed ever since.
If that's what Unc told you, then it's the truth. Just make sure he doesn't forget about Cunningulus Tuesday. :thumbup: