just an immature pain

AlphaTroll said:
What's to think about? You're drinking beer & posting on the net. Don't exactly know if that makes a difference in my life, because I've also posted while completely sloshed.

hee hee at least she sticks to english when shes trashed. Im shocked you even figured out which side of the key board to type on as drunk as you were on certain occasions.... :toomuch: ;)
Thulsa Doom said:
hee hee at least she sticks to english when shes trashed. Im shocked you even figured out which side of the key board to type on as drunk as you were on certain occasions.... :toomuch: ;)

LOL, well, what can I say? Not my fault they have not yet invented drunkard-friendly keyboards! And I have been sticking to English of late.......well it sounds like English in my head anyway :drink: :D
AlphaTroll said:
LOL, well, what can I say? Not my fault they have not yet invented drunkard-friendly keyboards! And I have been sticking to English of late.......well it sounds like English in my head anyway :drink: :D
they have been invented, they are used for visually impaired people:dizzy: they are about 2 feet long and have keys so large you could never mistake the letters, but after using one for a day you'd have forearms the size of bulldozers
and the voice in you're head? consider yourself lucky, i always seem to be hearing the lauguage of the teletubies in my head :banghead: please, someone, kill me now
oh WOW!!! i never knew there were so many versions of "battle of the planets", it was one of my favourite shows as a kid and then i remember seeing it when i was 19, but the voices had changed and the sory was different, i wonder if this happens often?:disgust2: i didn't like the newer version at all. i'd love to see some of the original episodes though
Re: re : an immature pain

Philly said:
my friends are boring

they cant be worse than mine. as much fun as i thought i was having all we did was get drunk, get stoned and play pool and video games.
Re: re : an immature pain

freako104 said:
they cant be worse than mine. as much fun as i thought i was having all we did was get drunk, get stoned and play pool and video games.
hell we dont even do that. in school they were cool and all but outta school shit are they boring. we could have a freaking staring contest. all we do is look around and nod. occasionally someone pipes in, usually me.
Re: re : an immature pain

at least you pipe in, but i do like staring contests i must admit, especially with the one you love and it's just like a secret mind game going on between the two of you and the rest of the world;)
Re: re : an immature pain

Philly said:
hell we dont even do that. in school they were cool and all but outta school shit are they boring. we could have a freaking staring contest. all we do is look around and nod. occasionally someone pipes in, usually me.

wow. they are worse than mine. and i thought i had some boring assed friends.
freako104 said:
youll have to ask a mod or admin to do it
oh ok, thanks:winkkiss: i'll just let it go and whoever feels like it can just jump on in, boredom thread for when you have no one to talk to, surely someone would respond, eventually*poke*i think i've got something in my eye
nope, not american, but didn't you know that urine was good for the skin, especially when combined with alcohol:elaugh1:strong varieties preferred
:errrr:uhhhh, inever knew milan was in scotland, wow, what is the percentage of this i'm drinking right now:winkkiss:
breaky said:
:errrr:uhhhh, inever knew milan was in scotland, wow, what is the percentage of this i'm drinking right now:winkkiss:

heh. Nope, I'm just in Milan for work just now...
I'm glad Milan isn't in Scotland. It just wouldn't be able to deal with the Scottish alcohol abuse :D