Just call me UncleBishop


Well-Known Member
My little little sister just had a bouncing baby boy.

Delivered via c-section between 12-1pm (no exact time yet)
Weighing in at 8lbs 12oz

Mother and Baby are doing fine.

Tho' my sister's still wonky from the drugs.
Congrats. I was 8lb14oz and my brother 8lbs15oz but we were also born C-section (emergency for me, planned for him). A friend of mine who was over 10lbs and breach was born naturally though...he told me one day "My mom always told me that story but I never fully understand what exactly it all meant until I got older." I told him I don't think he can ever fully understand it because he's a man.
Thanks to all. Finally spoke with my sister last night. She's tired as all hell, but in good health and happy. :D