Just for fun....who are you?


Well-Known Member
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a very respected metric of personality types. It's founded in the works of Carl Jung and will usually amaze people when they discover traits about themselves.

Whether you're a truck-driver, a giant in the corporate world or home collecting benefits it a great way to learn about your strengths and how you interact with people.

There are no wrong answers for personality types, all of the types have their own value and strengths. There are number of free test out there (the official MTBI cost $50-75 per test). The test is short #72 T/F then it scores your type.

Jung Typology Test

I am:

I[/SIZE] - [SIZE=+1]N[/SIZE] - [SIZE=+1]F[/SIZE] - [SIZE=+1]J[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]
Strength of the preferences %
11[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]50[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]12[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]6[/SIZE]
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
sounds like you need to learn how to express yourself. i bet you would be better at that if you weren't so worried someone would call you an art fag tho...


i'm a full-on INTJ. not that i put much faith in these things... but i certainly do resemble INTJ in many respects...
Wow, minx, good fit for you wouldn't you say? Of course the metric has dynamics that you cannot account for, the interpretation in always unique to the individual.

It's a guide at best, but a very accurate guide. That's why it's commonly used everywhere from the psych ward to top-tier industry leadership.

I'm sure you use similar formulas all the time.
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 25 12 44

INFJ type description by D.Keirsey
INFJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator™ INFJ Famous Personalities
INFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
slightly expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed feeling personality

moderately expressed judging personality

so, is there any hope for me doc?
actually i don't use stuff like this. i find psychology to be a theoretically weak discipline. often times the theories are based on a cobbled-together collection of "things that people do" as observed by an ultra-stiff dork who is largely though often unknowingly concerned about explaining his or herself to... his or herself. ever notice how some of the most fucked-up folks you ever met went into psych? at this point i'm largely a semiotician, not an amateur shrink... and the people that try to do that in my industry are mostly wankers.
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
11 38 50 1

You are:
slightly expressed introvert

moderately expressed sensing personality

moderately expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality

Oh, look, I'm confused
No, the terms used aren't exactly as you are used to in common language. Usually it comes across oddly to people that they are being labeled as xxxxxxxx, it's not really like that.
Anal retentive is a virtue?

You know how to skew the results of this test as needed.
Your Type is ENTJ
Strength of the preferences %
Extraverted 56
Intuitive 6
Thinking 50
Judging 67

Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
moderately expressed extravert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
distinctively expressed judging personality
ISTJs will see to it that resources are delivered
when and where they are supposed to be; materials will be in the right place at the right time.

I think minx might enjoy that.

It, like all of these things, was right on, or as far off as possible.
Gee, last 8 week psych certification class I took; the only other person that scored near as well I did was the director of nervous house, a respected clinical psychologist.

We both tested at 218/220. the nearest to us a 203/220, a really sharp LCSW.

Don't you have some snake oil to market to the masses?

what was the content of the class? practical application of the canon?

that's great that you scored well on the test for an eight-week class. certainly you have achieved mastery of the theoretical underpinnings. of a eight-week class.
Naw, it fairly new model based on Ellis. I'm not sure I like the complete approach. It has some cult-like methods involved although I got some good stuff out of it. In psych we're always learning, you have to if you're good. See we are discovering new aspects of how the brain works all the time, it's not a static profession.

The front end was easy, 4 hours a week and reading at home. The last four weeks was 7hours a day, 5 days a week.It was a tough class and I know Ellis well.

Being certified in cutting edge therapy models supported and promoted by the APA is 'prolly useless, right? I'll be sure to let the team of PhD's and the Psych M.D. that taught the class that you think it's a waste of time. Maybe we should just continue to use chemical restraints on everyone and keep people on the public dole for the rest of their lives. Better yet we can just fix them with muzzles and put 'em all in state asylums where nobody will even know they exist.

But you're not really interested in my voodoo.
stick to things you know. like video cameras, and... well, whatever else you know.

It just burns your ass doesn't it.

Alpha baby.
naw man i'm sure you're great at the practical contingencies of dealing with fuck ups. as a former addict i'm sure you're really good at telling when someone in front of you is full of shit and needs a swift kick.

so, wait, you are some form of a social worker?

the "alpha" thing is boring. and you shouldn't mention it so much. people might think you're compensating, or self-delusional. and trust me, i'm pretty dominant myself, but in a nice way. in RL at least ha ha.
i wasn't suggesting that it was specifically substance abuse, but that your experience dealing with fucked up shit and people serves you well in your current job.

so, you work at some kinda clinic as a psych caseworker? how did you get into that?