Just for fun....who are you?

how did you get into that?
Yeah, I remember that day very well. I was sorting the plastic from aluminum in my small private office behind the grocery store one day, that's when the radio was full of secret coded messages and began speaking to me personally. I was listening to a guest caller on Art Bell and suddenly it all made perfect sense to me. The rest is just history. gwarble snorf horseblatt.
hmmm. seems you're not one to talk much about your past. wonder why that is... or maybe i don't.

come on, alpha constitutional conservative hero, tell us how you became such a rock star.
Sorry minx, I've already posted my history here and OCN, in depth. It's not that I feel any shame for what I do, it's more that I don't think your intentions for wanting to know will be helpful to anything other than you using it against me when you have nothing else. -- But thank for asking.

I will say that I do have history with unpleasant events. And that during the process of my recovery it was discovered that I was good at establishing relationships that allowed me to be effective in helping all type of people.

When I took the MBTI the first time, back in 1998 as part of a class, it explained quite bit as to why I do so well in this line of work.
Sorry minx, I've already posted my history here and OCN, in depth. It's not that I feel any shame for what I do, it's more that I don't think your intentions for wanting to know will be helpful to anything other than you using it against me when you have nothing else. -- But thank for asking.

I will say that I do have history with unpleasant events. And that during the process of my recovery it was discovered that I was good at establishing relationships that allowed me to be effective in helping all type of people.

When I took the MBTI the first time, back in 1998 as part of a class, it explained quite bit as to why I do so well in this line of work.

yeah, i'm going to use it against you, just like you make every effort to denigrate or minimize my accomplishments.
yeah, i'm going to use it against you, just like you make every effort to denigrate or minimize my accomplishments.
On several occasions I have directly said I respect the efforts you have taken to accomplish yourself to that end. A PhD is a great achievement, but it's not the end all of 'I am teh smartest thing evah therefore I am teh right'. -- It is this grandiose and inept attitude that I address with humor and teasing.

The better PhD's that I know never pull rank and are open to the ideas of other people as equals. They are not so rigid in their accomplishment that they no longer value concepts that are less familiar to them.

And don't feel all that flattered, I have not made much effort degenerate your degree. I assure you that I only make hay of you when you beg for it.
sod off.

it was always others here that made a big deal about my ph.d., yourself included. in fact i seem to recall it was winky that first started talking about "the sheepskin" outside of PMs.

but one thing is certain. one doesn't need a ph.d. to understand that there's a little more out there than you, in your terrifyingly restricted worldview, understand. it's like you live in a cave, with a single monitor that pipes in programming from newsmax and the john birch society, in full leni riefenstahl style, with your spew here being reflective of the same.

humor and teasing? horseshit. you've made a zillion ad hom attacks on me as some version of metrosexual hipster liberal commie academic blah blah fucking blah. well, here's a hint, scro-wipe, i've been wearing the same jeans for about two weeks strait. without washing them. or underwear. now if that ain't "real manly" i dunno what is.

you constantly make reference to yourself having figured things out in grand dimensions, my preconceptions, my inability to understand your perfect moral values, et cetera.

well, you're far too ignorant understand where i am coming from. you prove it with damned near every post. i'm not "pulling rank" when i comment to the contrary of you or point out the rank inadequacy of your remarks.

but, then, how could a studly alpha male feel inadequate... so you must just be powering through anything i say, right?

say hi to your parole officer for me, you hunky self-made man. :laugh3:
yeah, i'm going to use it against you, just like you make every effort to denigrate or minimize my accomplishments.

Nobody here minimalized your accomplishments. You are to be commended for those.

It's just you we detest.
Nobody here minimalized your accomplishments. You are to be commended for those.

It's just you we detest.

it's cool. i feel sad for you. sad for america. that we've come to the point where people think a plumber is the solution. but that's simple. you only like people like you, and detest challenges. but don't let me get in the way of your scripture.
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
11 12 38 44

So what? All analyses of this type are crap.
Girl you know its true

Yes my friend even a small business owner (i.e. plumber)
can see what the issue is and how to fix it.
Choose to believe it or not, the slugs running the government
should immediately balance the budget to revenues.

Next step would be to reign in the devaluation of the dollar.
ask an adult

Mila Kunis isn't for sale?
Re: Girl you know its true

Yes my friend even a small business owner (i.e. plumber)
can see what the issue is and how to fix it.
Choose to believe it or not, the slugs running the government
should immediately balance the budget to revenues.

Next step would be to reign in the devaluation of the dollar.

well hey then why don't you get a copy of the latest budget proposal and attack it point by point. we'll all be waiting.
So what? All analyses of this type are crap.
well yes and no. You can best interpret what the result have to say about you. It's a type indicator, but because people are different not every point will hold true, people master deficits and such and trauma can reduce strengths etc. It' exactly because people are so wildly different that this type indicator is a great tool to see a thinner slice of of your personality. -- its not an exact metric.

When I first took the MBTI in school back in '97, I didn't quite understand it, and I wasn't sure if I agreed with my results. By the end of the semester everyone in the class was sold on the value of it.

You will be best person to understand your own results. If you research it and let yourself be honest with yourself, over time you will discover that there is ample accuracy in your typing.

Here Jim see if there is any truth for you here, read this thread by ISTJ's on ISTJ's. "You know you're an ISTJ when ___________".
no Minx I said Balance look it up

The Dems have never proposed anything even close to reasonable.

There job done.

Would you sign the Ryan plan?