Just for fun!!


Found this question on the Internet:

Suppose you have one of those liquid carrying trucks. The volume of the liquid inside the cylinder can be measured by obtaining the height of the liquid h, if you know the length of the cylinder l. Find a general formula to determine the volume with respect to h. Here is a picture:


I will post the full solution later tonight or tomorrow. :)
I should say, h will be given and will be 0 <= h <= 2r where r is the radius. So if I tell you use 0.8, I mean let the height of the cylinder be 1, and the given h to calculate on be 0.8.
After thinking to myself, most people wouldn't consider this stuff fun. :p So I'm posting solutions anyways... If you have questions, ask :)

I just HAD to do SOMEthing with this chicken pox. Explaining integrals to the bugs seem to cause them to die off. ?(

Yikes!!!! Friday night and you want us to do MATH!!!

Sorry bud, I'm busy - frying brain cells... :cocktail: :dizzy:
UGGGHH!!!! And CALCULUS to boot!!! :eek:

Sorry 'bout the chickenpox though man. No fun at all.

(You know what's worse, Ardsgaine is actually trying to solve the problem :conehead: )
i'm sure Stop Laughing will find it interesting :D

i need my highschool formulas to deduce the volume "sectional" cylinder.
Janimal said:
(You know what's worse, Ardsgaine is actually trying to solve the problem :conehead: )

I resemble that remark... :p

Actually, after looking at the solution I discovered that the calculus brain cells were apparently burned out on a certain night back in 1986... :(
I must be really bored. I actually worked through the problem before I decided to see if anyone had alread posted an answer. I made several algebra mistakes, but I set up the integration properly. I always do stupid crap like that. :nono:
This is really scary, I thought I was the only one that worked math problems for fun. I use it as a sleep aid many nights, doing 3 digit by 3 digit multiplication in my head.

yer in big trouble mister if Q sees this post ...

PuterTutor said:
This is really scary, I thought I was the only one that worked math problems for fun. I use it as a sleep aid many nights, doing 3 digit by 3 digit multiplication in my head.

Cool!! I like doing that too.
Yep, I often do such things too. Really helps when you have to work on maths a lot :)
A lot of people only now how to use a calculator, but don't even know how much 8 times 6 is....:rolleyes:

Especially when I had to work out a lot of LaPlace transformations, the math-insight became very useful :)
i never did multiplication while sleeping, i'd rather solve some diferentiation or analitic geometry problem.