just had to share this one with you



Girls made to show underwear at school dance

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Angry parents demanded the resignation of a California high school vice principal Tuesday because she lifted the skirts of teenage girls at a dance in front of men and male classmates to make sure they were wearing "appropriate" underwear.

This is quoted from: http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/04/30/life.underwear.reut/index.html

What the fuck was wrong with this woman? That's fucking rediculous! :rolleyes:
i think he'll have plenty of time to think it over when they fire him. twat :rolleyes:
Too much litigation nowadays. Perhaps a good drubbing by the offended parents would end this type of behavior... ;)
I've been hearing that story all day & nobody mentioned why they can't wear thong underwear. Now, the story doesn't say it & it certainly isn't in the dress code. I'm lost on that particular point. Since what people choose to wear (or not wear) under their proper atttire is nobodies business, fuck that bitch, let's ALL sue her.
Originally posted by greenfreak
They probably do it on purpose, then wear short skirts, to tease the boys. :p

That was exactly what was goin on according to the girl CNN interviewed. She said a lot of the girls were dressed like hookers. Imagine what would happen if they didn't do anything about it and some girl got gang raped in the middle of the dance floor. The VP would get fired anyway. I think making them raise thier skirts in front of other people was a bit out of line, but come on, they are responsible for the kids at the dance.
Originally posted by alex
I think making them raise thier skirts in front of other people was a bit out of line, but come on, they are responsible for the kids at the dance.

That's the whole point. Inappropriately dressed or not, there are better ways of handling the situation than pulling up their skirts in public.