Just how many licks does it take?


New Member
A couple of days ago a few friends of mine were discussing just how many licks it would take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.

I agreed with the cartoon commercial Tootsie Roll did in which the owl got to the center in three licks. I mean, really, who has the kind of time and patience it would take to find out? One, two, three, crunch! Instant gratification.

Well, yesterday my boyfriend bought me a device that measures how many times you have licked your Tootsie Roll. (Yes, they have such a thing. Amazing what you can do with technology) It even has a neat save feature that stores your licks and has a cover so the Tootsie Roll Pop doesn't get dirty.

For those who like their Tootsie Roll Pops to go, you can even attach it to your keychain, though that might cause problems if you're traveling down the highway and decide you need a fix ;)

So far, I'm at 24 and counting...25, 26, 27...



New Member
Well, it wasn't even the owl's sucker. If I were that kid from the commercial, I'd be pretty pissed off. Of course, I'd also be a cartoon character...

At 146 licks you can really see the difference between the two different sides. (licked and unlicked) However I still haven't broken through to the center.

147, 148, 149...



New Member
Well, I'm resting right now. Need to pace myself and keep my strength up. Also, I have beer. :D

My aunt clocked in at well over 3000 licks, and she counted the hard way.

The digital readout on this thing goes out 5 places. I think my tongue would be raw before I got to 3000 though.

What kinda licks are we talking about? Little licks, or full tounge action?


New Member
You can view the device here

This doesn't look exactly like the one I got, but it's by the same company.


New Member
Mine was from Spencer's. (Our motto: We carry more stupid stuff than anybody else.)


New Member
I think a lot of factors would be at play. For instance, how much force are you putting on the sucker. How acidic your saliva is and so forth..