Just in case...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... I seem to disappear offline indefinately, my broadband modem has been playing silly buggers today. For some unknown reason it decided to go ape-shit earlier, not work properly and give me a bod, not once but twice! So I got on to my ISP who supplied it and they are sending an engineer to deal with it as it looks like it may be faulty(one of those intermittant faults by the look of it).... sometime this year .... I think!:rolleyes:

So just in case it plays up again before he gets here, I haven't fallen off the edge of the planet and I will be back.... :)
I ain't saying nothing bad about any modem. They can hear you, you know. :erm:
Not my modem, my nic. As far as Gonz is concerned my nic not only screwed up MY network, but has caused issues for people in the majority of the free world and is responsible for a few incurable diseases, war, looting and famine. It's a Realtek 8029...we don't recommend them :D
Wow, that's pretty impressive for a nic. You called it a name before it went psycho though didn't you?
Q said:
Not my modem, my nic. As far as Gonz is concerned my nic not only screwed up MY network, but has caused issues for people in the majority of the free world and is responsible for a few incurable diseases, war, looting and famine. It's a Realtek 8029...we don't recommend them :D

Damned straight. I also think it is responsible for Usama & saddam.
Justintime said:
what brand modem? DSL or cable? Telewest cable was playin up a bit today as mine dropped connection a few times.

NTL cable modem, there were no reported faults in the area and my signals were all reaching the modem OK, but for some reason it wasn't connecting. I rebooted it a couple of times and it still wouldn't play ball so he said he'd send an engineer. Since then I've rebooted it after about an hour off and it was working OK then it crashed again so I rebooted again and it seems OK at the moment. He did say something about leaving it off for 12 hours so I may switch it off over night.

The first thing I knew anything was wrong was when the computer crashed while I was on OTC and then again after I rebooted it the third time, again while surfing. Maybe there was some sort of a surge from the cable because the power leads are all hooked up to a surge protector.
1gb/day ... feh. Some days I hit 7-8 a day ... rare... but it does happen. Restrictions lead to mift customers... tsk.
Em, whenever the provider says the line checks out, he's lying. It's almost guarenteed. And if he says to turn it off for 12 hours, and that clears the problem, it didn't clear the problem. Anything fixed by leaving electronics powered down for an extended period is either heat related, or a capacitor heading south. Both will come back, usually once the warranty is past.