the worlds has gone off the deep end, forever 
Denver to Vote on Stress Reduction
DENVER (AP) - Voters will get to decide this November whether the city should do more to reduce stress.
City council members said Monday they were forced to put the question on November's ballot because resident Jeff Peckman collected 2,462 certified signatures, slightly over the required number.
The council's only options were implementing the measure right away or sending it to the voters. The council voted 11-2 to put it on the ballot - but reluctantly.
"Voters didn't send us down here to deal with fantasy and frivolousness and that's what this is," said Councilman Charlie Brown, who called the proposal "lunatic."
Councilwoman Rosemary Rodriguez quipped, "I'm getting stressed out over this bill."
Peckman said the council members should favor his proposal because it supports their duty under the U.S. Constitution to provide for the common defense and ensure domestic tranquility.
The measure doesn't advise how the city should reduce stress but requires the city to research the idea and scientifically prove which methods work. Some of Peckman's ideas include playing soothing music in public places and improving the quality of school lunches.
All he is saying, Peckman said after the meeting, is "Give peace a chance."