just plain WRONG

MrBishop said:
There are worst things. Wasd at a bar once...a wee bit sloshed. Reached over for my beer and took a healthy swig..only to find that
a) It wasn't my beer
b) The beer's previous owner had used it as an ashtray and I had a beer-sodden sig-filter on ym tongue.

i've done that with a pepsi bottle :sick:
MrBishop said:
There are worst things. Wasd at a bar once...a wee bit sloshed. Reached over for my beer and took a healthy swig..only to find that
a) It wasn't my beer
b) The beer's previous owner had used it as an ashtray and I had a beer-sodden sig-filter on ym tongue.


Done that many a time with a can or bottle (including a bottle of wine that had about a dozen stubbs in).......it wasn't too bad, of course I was sloshed at the time :drink:

(and, of course, ash is an aid to digestion......)