Just to get a feeler on people's opinions


Well-Known Member
I present this story.

The Cliff's Notes version: 21-year-old driver is drunk, causes crash, other driver, pregnant, is critically injured and the 22-week fetus dies. Driver was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter and felony driving under the influence of alcohol.
One vehicular manslaughter and one attempted or at least dangerous driving resulting in bodily injury.

Drunk drivers need to be strung up by the toes. Period.
I was only asking because some would say charging someone with vehicular manslaughter for killing a fetus would mean the fetus is considered alive, and that would make an abortion murder.
yeah we got that. but there's a place for absolutism and this may not be it.

the kid was 20something weeks along. likely mom intended to keep the kid, and probably had some intention of at least trying to raise it right. that, to me, means the fetus has "social existence." in other cases with less clear or less potentially clear parental intention, i'm with lissa.
I was only asking because some would say charging someone with vehicular manslaughter for killing a fetus would mean the fetus is considered alive, and that would make an abortion murder.

22-week-old ?
5-1/2 months?
What's the law?
I thought it was like 4 weeks.

I'd lean toward 1 homicide, and one manslaughter.
i think part of "homocide" is intent to kill, so's how could either the mom or the unborn be a homocide (assuming intent is an essential element)?
Techically, homicide is human killing human, under any condition. Local laws vary.
yeah obviously from the latin it means "man" and "kill" but what are the generally accepted legal definitions?

there seems to be some difference between "vehicular homocide" and "vehicular manslaughter" but manslaughter also appears to be considered a form of homocide. looks like i confuzed "homocide" with murder as to the intent piece though....
Yeah, usually they classify it as manslaughter if you kill someone but didn't mean to do it.
I think that's a big ole can of worms that I don't think should be opened (slip and falls would enter a whole new dangerous plane) but whatever. I don't live there. :lloyd:
Yeah, usually they classify it as manslaughter if you kill someone but didn't mean to do it.

That is what I told. When I was involved in that whole hit by the truck with the drunk kid driving incident, the cops told me that if they caught him it could be considered attempted vehicular manslaughter.