I haven't replied yet because I haven't come up with an answer.
Here's why. If I do find and install an ignore feature, it will make people pissed off knowing that it's possible their posts, which may or may not consist of life and death-related information such as Huge's infamous "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" threads or Gonzo's ever-popular world event threads, aren't getting seen by everyone. After these people become pissed off, they organize a mass exodus and leave, and OTC is left to wither and die.
If I do not find and install an ignore feature, it will make people pissed off knowing that they'll keep having to read posts they don't want to read but can't help but reading and then bitching about. E.g. my incessant rambling about how to fix certain problems that occur on the board, even though it falls on deaf ears. Because they are not given the feature to not display posts from people they do not want to listen to, they get pissed off, organize a mass exodus and leave, and OTC is left to wither and die.
If I do not give an answer as to whether I will find and install an ignore feature, it will make people pissed off thinking I am ignoring them and that I do not want to listen to suggestions from the people. Seeing how similar that situation is to a certain other site that has green in it will cause people to get pissed off, organize a mass exodus and leave, and OTC is left to wither and die.
Damned if I do, damned if I don't, and damned if I don't say.